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August 21, 2024

Advice for Students at Convocation: “Keep it Strong and Humble”

Zitty Nxumalo ’08 completed a bachelor’s degree in Business Management as an adult student at Guilford College after a nine-year odyssey attending colleges in two states and changing majors multiple times.

On Aug. 20, she returned to the College to provide inspiration for hundreds of first year students, faculty and staff assembled at Academic Convocation, a kickoff event held annually just before the start of the fall semester.

Zitty, who was selected as alumni speaker, went on from Guilford to earn master’s and doctoral degrees and was named President of the nonprofit Guilford Education Alliance in July.

“Degrees are tools,” she said, directing her remarks to students. “They do not make you better than anyone else. As you get to know yourself more and more, degrees and credentials are intended to simply open more doors for you to do the thing that you do best.” 

Her advice from lessons she learned at Guilford was three-fold: 

  • Stay strong and humble.
  • Take your words seriously.
  • And try to understand the local and global economy.

“No matter how much education you attain, make sure to keep it strong and keep it humble. Always treat others with dignity,” she said.

Words have power, she noted, stating, “If you strengthen your ability to clearly communicate your ideas to others in a variety of different settings, you will set yourself up to be an enormously valuable part of any situation.”

In terms of the knowledge of the economy, she shared, “Do not be scared to ask questions, do research, and find people who understand how money is used as a tool to open up options. And choices are freedom.”

Zitty was joined by President Kyle Farmbry, Provost Maria Rosales and Student Body President Jacob Mitchell ’25 in addressing the convocation audience.

Kyle, who is entering his third full academic year as President, encouraged first years to take full advantage of opportunities for discovery. “Don’t be afraid of stepping outside of your comfort zone,” he said. “Lean into this community of friends. Our interconnectedness makes Guilford a truly special place.”

Read the President's Academic Year-opening Message

Maria, a Political Science professor starting her fourth year leading the academic program, made a pitch for the value of the liberal arts.

“The joy of a liberal arts education is you don’t need to know the path you’re on ahead of time,” she said. “And you come out better equipped to handle whatever comes your way in the future.”

Jacob, who is studying Psychology and Religious Studies with a plan to pursue ministry, spoke about taking accountability for sustaining the College community.

“Guilford is special because of the people,” he said. “Each of us has a responsibility of keeping community alive. But it is not the sole responsibility of an individual, it is a shared responsibility.”

His advice to first years? “Dive in. Think ‘we’ instead of ‘me.’”

Fall semester classes begin Aug. 21.