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Spend Your Summer at Guilford

Enrich your summer months by taking courses at Guilford College. Explore a new interest, take classes to advance your degree, or get ahead of the fall semester. No matter what you choose, you'll enjoy building relationships with professors and interacting with other students in small classes. Guilford summer school classes are affordable, convenient, and designed with the same high standards as courses offered during the academic year.

Guilford College Summer School 2025 Details

To view a complete listing of Guilford College summer school courses for the first-half of summer, 8-week, or second half of summer terms, visit Banner Web. If you have questions concerning summer course offerings, contact the Registrar’s Office at

Students may register for courses in any of the summer terms, but the total number of credits may not exceed 16, nor can the course load exceed eight hours in a first half summer term and 12 hours in an 8-week term.

Classes begin:
  • First half of summer term: Wednesday, May 28
  • 8-week term: Wednesday, May 28
  • Second half of summer term: Monday, June 30


Guilford College Summer School Tuition

Summer school tuition is $440 per credit or $1,760 per 4-credit class. Registration fee is $15 and the technology fee is $30 regardless of the number of courses.

Payments can be made on TouchNet. Summer tuition and fees will post to TouchNet during the week of May 5, 2025. All charges for the 8-week and the first half of summer terms must be paid by May 26, 2025. All charges for the second half of summer term must be paid by June 27, 2025.

If you have questions regarding paying tuition and fees on TouchNet, please contact the Office of Student Accounts at

To cancel your summer schedule and receive a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees, contact the Registrar’s Office at no later than June 2, 2025, for the first half of summer and 8-week summer terms and July 3, 2025, for the second half of summer term.

To cancel your summer schedule after these dates, a student must officially withdraw by contacting the Office of Academic and Student Affairs at Refunds are prorated according to summer term based on the following schedule: 

 First Half of Summer TermFull Summer TermSecond Half of Summer Term
50%May 28-June 3May 29-June 3June 29-July 3
0%After June 3After June 3After July 3


On-Campus Summer Housing

For 2025, on-campus summer school housing will not be available as summer session course offerings will be online. Traditional students will return to residential living for Fall 2025. More information is available on the Residential Education and Housing website.

Summer School Class Schedule Listing

Intro to African Heritage - 20242 - AFAM 106 - 001
Online Asychronous.  4.000 Credits
Karen M Tinsley

Photo: Documents & Ethics - 20458 - ART 261 - 001
Course fee: $80. Face to face course.
Online Synchronous.  4.000 Credits
Alexandra Kathleen Litaker

Intro Molecular & Cell Biology - 20379 - BIOL 113 - 001
Online Asynchronous.  4.000 Credits
David P Hildreth

Human Anatomy and Physiology I - 20244 - BIOL 341 - 001
Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or BIOL 203
Online Asynchronous.  4.000 Credits
David Allen East

Human Anatomy & Physiology II - 20245 - BIOL 342 - 001
Prerequisite: BIOL 341
Online Asynchronous.  4.000 Credits
David Allen East

Geology and the Environment - 20465 - GEOL 121 - 001
Online Asynchronous.  4.000 Credits
Holly Esther Peterson

MBA Foundations - 20455 - MBA 500 - 001
Online Asynchronous.  2.000 Credits
Michael Anthony Dutch

MBA Capstone Project - 20366 - MBA 671 - 001
Hybrid Course.  2.000 Credits
Michael Anthony Dutch

MISM Capstone Project - 20430 - MISM 580 - 001
Online Asynchronous.  4.000 Credits
Michael Scott White

Elementary Statistics - 20385 - MATH 112 - 001
Online Asynchronous.  4.000 Credits
Ann Brandsma

War & Peace in the Middle East - 20453 - PECS 215 - 001
Online Synchronous.  4.000 Credits
Zulfiya Tursunova

War & Peace In The Middle East - 20454 - PSCI 250 - 001
Online Synchronous.  4.000 Credits
Zulfiya Tursunova

Introduction to Psychology - 20266 - PSY 100 - 001
Online Asynchronous.  4.000 Credits
Lawrence Edward Eisenberg

ADHD and African American Children - 20456 - PSY 259 - 001
Online Asynchronous.  4.000 Credits
Karen M Tinsley

Multiculturalism & Psychology - 20457 - PSY 349 - 001
Online Asynchronous.  4.000 Credits
Karen M Tinsley

Intro to African Heritage - 20292 - SOAN 106 - 001
Cross-Listed Course.  4.000 Credits
Karen M Tinsley 

Communicating in Spanish I - 20271 - SPAN 101 - 001
Online Synchronous.  4.000 Credits
Vera Cecilia Castro

Experiential Learning - 20389 - SPST 484 - 001
Internship  4.000 Credits
Craig Alan Eilbacher

Exp. Learning - 20288 - SPST 485 - 001
Internship.  4.000 Credits
Craig Alan Eilbacher



Registration Instructions

Last day to register, drop, or add classes:

  • First half of summer term: Monday, June 2
  • 8-week term: Wednesday, June 4
  • Second half of summer term: Tuesday, July 3

Students who completed the spring 2025 semester at Guilford can make changes online until the last day to add or drop a course. Summer courses do not require ALTERNATE PINs for registration.

Visiting Students

Guilford welcomes visiting students for summer school. Visiting students (summer only) are not required to apply for admission to the College. Visiting students may view the summer 2025 course schedule in BannerWeb under “Class Schedule” – select “summer 2025” term. Once you have selected a course(s), please submit this registration form to the Registrar's Office at

Payment for tuition and fees may be made on TouchNet beginning the week of May 9. For login credentials for Touchnet and BannerWeb, contact IT&S at Charges for the 8-week and first half of summer terms must be paid by May 18 and second half of summer term must be paid by June 27. If you have questions concerning tuition and fees, contact the Office of Student Accounts at Note that visiting students are not eligible for financial aid.

General Info and Regulations

Financial adjustments should be discussed with Student Accounts and Financial Aid. No refund or credit will be made to any student suspended or expelled from summer school. Please note: Visiting students are not eligible for financial aid.

Any student enrolled in summer school who finds it necessary to drop all courses must complete a withdrawal form and submit it to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs at

Once registered, you are officially enrolled at Guilford and financially responsible for charges. If you decide to not attend classes, you MUST notify the Office of Academic and Student Affairs at in order to officially withdraw. Students who stop attending classes without officially withdrawing will receive F grades in such courses and are financially responsible for the courses. Regular class attendance is required if you are to be successful in summer school.

Honor code regulations must be observed. Willful falsification of College records, the improper use of quotations, plagiarism, and unauthorized assistance on tests, papers, and other academic assignments are prohibited. The Associate Academic Dean and Dean of Students will have jurisdiction in all cases involving infractions of rules and regulations.

Campus email is the College’s preferred way of communicating with students. Therefore, all students should check their Guilford College email daily for schedule changes, information about classes, and other important announcements.

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