Members of the Guilford community,
Welcome to the 2024-25 academic year. Every new year begins with a sense of renewal and excitement about the opportunities that are ahead of us. This was evident in our Opening Community Meeting and Faculty Meeting last week, the arrival of residential students in recent days and Academic Convocation yesterday. While Guilford, like other institutions, has its challenges, we are a strong community committed to providing an excellent and practical liberal arts education for our students. Thank you for your commitment to that very mission.
I'd like to extend a heartfelt welcome to the Class of 2028. You are embarking on an extraordinary journey – one that will challenge you, inspire you, and ultimately transform you. As you begin this new chapter, remember that college is not just about acquiring knowledge, but about discovering yourself. Embrace every opportunity, engage in meaningful conversations, make new connections and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Try something new. Your time here is a gift – I encourage you to use it wisely.
To our returning students, welcome back! As you continue your college career, I kindly remind you that this is a time of growth, exploration and sometimes, even uncertainty. But remember, you are not alone on this journey. Look around. You have an incredible community of support surrounding you: your professors, staff members, alumni and even your fellow students. Lean on this community of friends, seek guidance when you need it and offer support to others when they need it. This interconnectedness is what makes Guilford a truly special place.
I encourage every student to make the most of your college years. Engage fully in your classes, participate in campus activities and forge lasting friendships. Remember, Guilford is not just a place of learning, it's a place that equips you with the tools to blaze your own path and, in your own unique way, change the world. The skills, knowledge and perspectives you gain here will empower you to make a difference, no matter where you choose to go from here.
To our seniors, congratulations on reaching this milestone. It's remarkable how quickly time has passed, isn't it? As you enter your final year at Guilford, I urge you to fully live in this moment. Whether you're planning to enter the workforce, start your own business, pursue graduate education or chart a different course entirely, make this year count. Reflect on your growth, celebrate your achievements and prepare to carry the Guilford spirit with you into the world.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to our exceptional faculty and staff. Your dedication, wisdom and expertise are Guilford’s lifeblood. Without your tireless efforts, flexibility, patience and commitment, we simply wouldn't be here. You shape minds, inspire dreams and change lives every single day. Thank you!
I challenge each of you to continue pushing boundaries. Work creatively, collaborate with your colleagues and don't shy away from new territories. When faced with obstacles, approach them with courage and ingenuity. And in moments of doubt, remember your own journey as college students. Recall what you needed to succeed, and let that fuel your passion for supporting our students. They need you. We need you.
As we open this new academic year, let's do so with enthusiasm, curiosity and a commitment to excellence. Together, we form a vibrant and beautiful community of learners and leaders. Let's make this year one of progression, discovery, and positive change … together.
Here's to an amazing 2024-25 academic year at Guilford College. May it be filled with intellectual pursuits, personal growth and unforgettable experiences for us all.
Thank you.
Kyle Farmbry, J.D., Ph.D.