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Student Accounts

Guilford College’s tuition and fees payments, housing payments, dining payments, and other charges are all billed and collected through the Student Accounts Office. Students should monitor their tuition and fees balance as well as other charges like room and board through TouchNet.

When addressing the Office of Student Accounts via email or phone, please include your name, student ID, and the issue you're facing. It's important to always include your student ID number as this is how we can access your account information and best assist you. 

Guilford College
Attn: Student Accounts
P.O. Box 18743
Greensboro, NC 27419-8743

Contact Us

Stop by to see us in the lower level of New Garden Hall.

Cashier Window Hours:
Monday to Friday | 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Student Accounts Hours:
Monday to Friday | 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Photo of the front of Guilford College's New Garden Hall and Office of Admission

Information on TouchNet

What Is TouchNet?

TouchNet is where you can access Guilford College’s Billing and Payments:

  • Access up-to-date account balance and activity.
  • View and print official account statements.
  • Make secure ACH and Credit Card (add fee applies) payments.
  • Enroll in payment plans.
  • Authorize parents and others to have access to your student account.

Notice: Direct deposit will be mandatory starting FALL 2022 and going forward. Read below to find how to set up direct deposit. You'll log in to TouchNet using your G# and Banner Web PIN.

How to Set Up Direct Deposit

  • Click “Personal Profile.”
  • Click “Payment Profile.”
  • Under “Add New Payment Method,” insert “Electronic Check (checking/savings) in the “Method” box. Click Select.
  • After clicking “Select,” enter the information you are prompted to answer.
    • Under Refund Options, if this is the account you desire to receive funds, check the box. If not, complete this process to add an additional Electronic Check to receive refunds. 
  • Click Continue and Finish.

How to Add an Authorized User

  • You can add an authorized user by logging into TouchNet from your student center and selecting “Authorized Users.” Once selecting this option, follow the prompts for information requested. Your authorized user will receive an email to complete the process. 
    • On Mobile, you may have to scroll down to see this option.


Refunds are issued when payments exceed tuition, fees, and other charges and create a credit (or negative) balance on the student account. A credit balance on a student’s account can be created by:

  • Reducing meal plan or housing costs
  • Waiving insurance after initial billing
  • Dropping classes during the add/drop period
  • Withdrawing or taking an LOA from Guilford College 
  • Out-of-pocket payments that exceed the student bill total
  • Financial aid disbursements that exceed the student bill total
  • Other miscellaneous credits

When are refunds processed? Refunds are processed weekly. All refunds are disbursed via Direct Deposit. Please allow 2 to 3 business days to see the funds appear in your bank account. 

Parent PLUS Loan Refunds
All credit balances due to a Parent PLUS Loan will be refunded to either the parent borrower or the students as indicated on the PLUS Loan application.   Any credit to a student’s account with a Parent Plus Loan will be viewed as resulting from the Parent Plus Loan and refunded as indicated on the PLUS Loan application. Please be advised that if the credit is to be refunded to the PLUS Loan borrower, it typically takes two weeks from the disbursement date for the check to be mailed.

Withdrawal/LOA Refunds: Refund of tuition, room and board - Please refer to the attached Refund Schedule.

Summer 2023 Refund Schedule

Full Summer termMay 22 - 2650%
Full Summer  termAfter May 260%
First half of Summer termMay 22 - May 2450%
First half of Summer termAfter May 240%
Second half of Summer termJune 28 - June 3050%
Second half of Summer termAfter June 300%

Fall 2024 Refund Schedule

First week of the termAug. 21 - Aug. 2790%
Second week of the termAug. 28 to Sept. 375%
Third week of the termSept. 4 - Sept. 1050%
Fourth week of the termSept. 11 - Sept. 1725%
After the fourth week of the termAfter Sept. 170%

Spring 2025 Refund Schedule

First week of the termJan. 6 - Jan. 1290%
Second week of the termJan. 13 - Jan. 1975%
Third week of the termJan. 20 - Jan. 2650%
Fourth week of the termJan. 27 - Feb. 225%
After the fourth week of the termAfter Feb. 20%


How to Make Payments: Account Balances are due by the First Day of Class

Fall 2024 Payment Dates

Payment plan enrollment will be available through TouchNet beginning July 1. Enrollment must take place no later than July 14 for five installments. Each installment is due on the 15th of each month. For more information, visit this Billing and Payments webpage.

Spring 2025 Payment Dates

Payment plan enrollment will be available through TouchNet beginning Nov. 20. Enrollment must take place no later than Dec. 15 for five installments. Each installment is due on the 15th of each month.

Payments can be made in TouchNet, by mail, in person, or ACH (for international students; please contact the Office of Student Accounts for instructions on the process.)


  • View your balance and click Make Payment tab at the top of the page
  • Select the Current account balance option and enter the dollar amount to be paid. Click continue.
  • Verify the Payment Amount, select the Payment Method, and click Continue.


  • Checks and money orders can be mailed to the Office of Student Accounts. All checks should be made payable to Guilford College and include the student’s G# number
  • Checks/Money Orders should be mailed to:
    • Guilford College, Office of Student Accounts, P.O. Box 18743, Greensboro NC 27419
  • Overnight and certified mail should be mailed to:
    • Attn: Office of Student Accounts, Guilford College, 5800 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27410

In Person:

  • Cash, check, and money order payments may be made in person in the Office of Student Accounts located in the basement of the New Garden building. 

Perkins and Institutional Loan Repayment

Who to Contact

Taking out a loan creates a binding legal obligation for repayment. Students should make sure they fully understand their rights and responsibilities related to all loans. 

  • These loans are different from Federal and private loans in that Guilford College is the lender. Guilford College works with ECSI as the loan servicer. This means that students with one of these loans will need to communicate directly with Guilford and/or ECSI if they have any questions.

ESCI Contact Info

  • 1-888-549-3274
  • Live Assistance Monday-Friday 7:30AM-9:00PM
  • 24 hrs access to automated services 

Updating ECSI

  • Please report any of the following changes immediately to ECSI:
  • Name, address, telephone number, or email address changes
  • Enrollment drops below half time status
  • Withdrawal from school
  • Transfer to another school
  • New eligibility for cancellation benefits 
  • Enlistment in the military
  • New documented disability 

Repayment Details 

  • Students must begin repaying their loans nine months after leaving Guilford College, whether it is by withdrawal or graduation. As payments become due, interest accrues on the account at an Annual Percentage Rate of 5% Payments are based on a repayment term of 10 years and the balance owed, with a minimum monthly payment of $40.
  • It is important to pay and pay on time as loans are one of the first opportunities students have to establish credit. According to Federal Law, Guilford College is required to report all student loans to a national credit bureau. Loans are reported when opened and each month for the life of the loan until it is paid in full. Every on time payment improves credit score, while every late or missed payment damages credit score.

Tax Information (1098-T)

  • How to View the 1098-T:
    • The 1098-T will be sent electronically or via mail, depending on the student’s preference. (Please opt in to receive an electronic form as it is the fastest and preferred method of distribution)
    • Students who wish to receive their form through the mail, should make sure their permanent address is up to date in Banner. Please contact the Registrar’s Office if corrections are needed.
    • In TouchNet, under “Statements,” students and authorized users will be able to view “Your latest 1098-T Tax statement,” at any time. 

1098-T Tax Reporting Information for Guilford College Students

What is IRS Form 1098-T?
The 1098-T is an informational form issued to students to help determine eligibility for certain educational tax credits. These forms are prepared in compliance with reporting guidelines established by the IRS. Information included on Form 1098-T is reported to the IRS.
Included in Form 1098-T are the following financial transactions posted to student accounts in calendar year 2022:

Box 1 – Payments Received
The total in Box 1 includes all payments received by Guilford College in calendar year 2022 that pay for qualified tuition and
related expenses (“QTRE” – see below), as defined by the IRS.
QTRE includes payments from students and families, advance deposits, loans, scholarships, grants, and third party sponsor
payments. Only the portion of the payments applied to QTRE is reported in Box 1.

Box 2 – Amounts Billed
Effective with 2018 reporting, and to comply with the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2015, Guilford has started reporting Payments Received in Box 1. With this change, Box 2 will be left blank. In prior years, Guilford reported “Amounts Billed” in Box 2.

Box 4 – Adjustments to a Prior Year
Box 4 reports adjustments including changes made to items originally reported in Box 1 or Box 2 in a prior calendar year.
The amount reported in Box 4 represents a reduction in tuition billed during a prior calendar year.

Box 5 – Scholarships or Grants
Box 5 includes scholarships, grants, and payments from a corporate or government sponsor. Per IRS regulations, Box 5
includes any payments made by someone other than the student or family. If these payments are higher than you QTRE
you will not receive a 1098-T form.

Which items are considered QTRE?
The IRS defines QTRE as items directly related to a student’s education. QTRE includes tuition and enrollment fees. The IRS does not consider the following items to be related directly to the student’s education: room/housing, board/dining, study abroad, health fees, recreation fees, and fees covering travel and related expenses.

What are the IRS’ reporting criteria for receiving a Form 1098-T for 2023?
The student must have taken classes for academic credit in any term that began during the 2022 calendar year. In addition, the student’s account must have had a payment or financial aid award posted in calendar year 2022 that was applied to qualified tuition and related expenses.
If the student received financial aid in the form of scholarships, grants, or third party payments that exceeded the amount of payments for qualified tuition and related expenses posted in calendar year 2022, the student will not receive Form 1098-T.

What am I supposed to do with the 1098-T I received?
Keep it for your personal records and share the 1098-T with your tax preparer for assistance in determining your eligibility for certain tax credits.

What resources are available to me to determine my eligibility for certain tax credits?
There are many details surrounding benefits of The Taxpayer Relief Act (TRA97) of 1997. Please contact a tax professional to determine if you qualify for these benefits. Guilford College cannot provide tax advice.

Student Accounts FAQ

How do I change my billing or mailing address?

Contact the Registrar’s Office by phone 336.316.2121 or email at

When will I receive my refund check?

Refunds are processed weekly and sent to the direct deposit information on file in TouchNet. If you are not currently enrolled in direct deposit, you will need to enroll to receive your refund if you are owed one. Please keep your banking information current to ensure delivery of all refunds when processed.

What is the 1098-T Form?

A 1098-T Form is an informational form issued to students to help determine eligibility for certain educational tax credits. 

Box 1: Payments Received

  • The total in Box 1 includes all payments received by Guilford College in the calendar year that pay for qualified tuition and related expenses. (QTRE) as defined by the IRS. QTRE includes payments from students and families, advance deposits, loans, scholarships, grants, and third party sponsor payments. Only the portion of the payments applied to QTRE is reported in Box1. 

Box 2: Amounts Billed 

  • Box 2 will be left blank.

Box 4: Adjustments to a Prior Year

  • Box 4 reports adjustments including changes made to items originally reported in Box 1 or Box 2 in a prior calendar year. The amount reported in Box 4 represents a reduction in tuition billed during a prior calendar year. 

Box 5: Scholarships or Grants 

  • Box 5 includes scholarships, grants, and payments from a corporate or government sponsor. Per IRS regulations, Box 5 includes any payments made by someone other than the student or family.

New Student Checklist

Tuition Payment Important Dates

  • Bills released: 06/30/24
  • Payment Plan Enrollment: 07/01/24-07/14/24
  • First Payment Due: 07/15/24
  • Non-Payment Plan Student Bills are due in FULL: 8/21/24

Account balances may be paid via TouchNet. Once registered, students are officially enrolled at Guilford College and are financially responsible for charges. 

Note: Payments made online via TouchNet using any Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express cards will be assessed a non-refundable 2.95% convenience fee with a minimum charge of $3.00.

Payments made by check, certified check or money order, should be made payable to Guilford College and mailed to:

Guilford College
Attn: Student Accounts
P.O. Box 18743
Greensboro, NC 27419-8743

Please include your G# (student identification number) on the check, certified check, or money order for faster processing.

Contact Us

Kathleen Hurley
Kathleen Hurley

Students Accounts Specialist and Cashier

Shyla Butler
Shyla Butler

Student Accounts Specialist & Cashier

Kristen Hooks
Kristen Hooks

Student Accounts Specialist & Cashier