Guilford College's Summer School classes are open to all college students and the public. It's a great way to get ahead in school or just feed your passion.
Want to feel productive this summer? Consider taking summer undergraduate classes offered at Guilford College and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Credits you earn at Guilford can help you finish your degree faster, whether you attend this college or another institution, or simply broaden your knowledge. There are more than three dozen classes to choose from – both online and in person.
Here’s a sampling:
- Spanish I and II
- Welding
- Anatomy
- Food and Faith
- Digital Graphic Design
- Business and Ethics
- Ceramics
- Shakespeare and Film
There’s even a Justice & Policy Studies class entitled “Serial Killers Among Us!”
Summer courses offer smaller classes, an opportunity to participate in experiential learning and a chance to get caught up or lighten your course load for the fall, if you’re a continuing student.
“It’s a great way for students to earn their degree more quickly or maybe even add a minor,” says Provost Maria Rosales. “With online and in-person courses this summer, there are many options for students of all types.”
Guilford students can take advantage of summer courses to fulfill general education requirements in Biology, Business, Chemistry, English composition, Spanish, Psychology or Music.
If you’re enrolled at another institution, check with your advisor there to confirm that courses you take at Guilford will transfer. In many cases, your credits will transfer easily.
Students can choose from three different schedules:
- First half, 5-week Summer Term – Classes begin May 22
- Full 10-week term – Classes begin May 22
- Second half, 5-week Summer Term – Classes begin Wednesday, June 28
Some classes are available online, giving students the flexibility to get a summer job, go on vacation or pursue other activities while still completing their coursework. Most classes are offered either in a hybrid format or on Guilford’s campus.
Summer school tuition is $440 per credit or $1,760 per 4-credit class. Registration fee is $15 and the technology fee is $30 regardless of the number of courses.
All charges for the 10-week and the first half of summer terms must be paid by May 19. All charges for the second half of summer term must be paid by June 26.
Traditional-aged students who enroll in summer coursework may request concurrent on-campus summer housing for either the five-week session or the 10-week session.
Students who have questions about summer course offerings should contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@guilford.edu. Other inquirers should contact the Provost’s office at provost@guilford.edu.