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May 8, 2023

Class of '70 Unites to Create Scholarship

Emily Hedrick '70

Future Guilford students will benefit from the generosity of the Class of '70 and their classmates, who created a scholarship. 

It was January 2020 and our triumphant return to campus for induction into Guilford’s Golden Circle – commemorating the 50th anniversary of our graduation – was coming up. Classmates Lloyd ’70 and Joe Spruill ’70, Dan Hulburt ’70 (above) and I met the Spruills in Raleigh with two members of the Advancement staff to begin planning the festivities. 

We were all pumped at the thought of that 50th reunion. Moreover, there was unanimous consent that we should do something collectively to mark the occasion. A nice class gift, we thought. But not just an inscribed bench on campus. We wanted something more meaningful.

And so the not-a-bench campaign was launched to raise money to endow a scholarship in the name of the Class of 1970. The Advancement representatives explained that such a naming privilege required a minimum investment of $100,000. The funds would then draw interest and enable the College to grant scholarships for students into the future.

Our committee reached out to a few more classmates to take on this challenge. How hard could it be, we reasoned. Good cause, good timing, a great hook. 

The world had other ideas with the pandemic and its impact on Guilford, but our little band of 1970 alumni plugged along. When we were in college, the most sophisticated technology consisted of manual typewriters. Now we embraced the imperative of Zoom meetings to stay in contact. Emails flew back and forth. We inched forward, reaching out to old friends from our class, as well as classmates with whom we had lost touch. We cheered each other on.

Our Golden Circle induction finally took place in March 2022 – two years late because of the pandemic – but it was still a lovely and joyful occasion. We were charmed by our new President, Kyle Farmbry, and were able to make an in-person pitch to classmates for the endowment fund. There were a lot of laughs that day despite the fact that we hadn’t yet met our goal.

Finally, with the financial support of 51 classmates, we reached our $100,000 goal in April. Most were one-time gifts, but some folks made pledges to be satisfied by monthly donations; others deferred their gifts by providing for Guilford in their estate plans. In some instances, these gifts are coming in the form of real property or, for tax purposes, retirement accounts.

The common denominator among contributors, we found, was our abiding love of Guilford College, the friendships we made and the transformative liberal arts education we received all those years ago. 

Moreover, the fund can continue to grow, which will enable the college to provide aid to financially struggling students in perpetuity.

Would we have undertaken such an audacious campaign had we known what roadblocks lay ahead? 

No doubt whatsoever. “Wow…from concept to delivery, and now we get to take pride in watching our scholarship ‘baby’ grow and benefit others!” says committee member Pat Keiger ’70. “Thanks also to all the staff who assisted with this birth. Cheers!”

Adds Dan, “The idea of raising $100,000 seemed ambitious – even grandiose –  when our planning committee considered taking on this project. But the Class of 1970 has long been viewed as a class of activists, of doers, still holding attitudes and values acquired in the turbulent ’60s. We have every reason to celebrate our success, and hopefully, our accomplishment will inspire other classes to step forward with ideas of their own which benefit the College and the student body.”

In addition to Pat, Dan and the Spruills, classmates Woody Gibson ’70 and David Feagins ’70 also actively gave their time, talent and treasures to bring the campaign to success. 

Donations to the scholarship fund are still welcome here. Please indicate that your gift is designated to the Class of ’70 Endowed Scholarship Fund.