Guilford College's Center for Principled Problem Solving and Excellence in Teaching is partnering with Every Campus A Refuge and Opening Universities for Refugees to launch a unique Certificate in Advancing the Role of Community Stakeholders in Refugee Integration.
The certificate program consists of 15 hours of contact over three days either virtually, May 26-28, 2023, or in person on Guilford's campus in Greensboro, N.C., Aug. 11-13. Outside of these dates, the certificate program can be offered and customized to an organization’s specific timing and needs.
The certificate program is open to individuals from all sectors, including students, educators, community members, employees across sectors (private, public, nonprofit, NGOs), businesses and corporations, faith-based organizations, nonprofit organizations and community-based organizations.
Participants will gain professional development in related fields, engage in refugee-centered diversity, equity, and inclusion practices and community engagement, and work on an interactive project to implement an innovative approach/strategy based on what they have learned during the course.
The program covers essential topics such as the history and policies of refugee resettlement in the U.S., how to creatively leverage local resources to support refugee resettlement and integration, and best practices in engaging refugee resettlement in ways that center dignity, agency, and privacy of affected populations.
To register for the certificate program, visit our website, or email ecarcertificate@guilford.edu.