Guilford students come and go. For that matter, so do the College’s faculty, staff, and administrators. Yet amid these transitions, the highs and lows, old faces and new buildings, Sandy Pearman ’80 has been a fixture on the campus.
"I could have gone to other places to work, but Guilford is in my soul. There’s something about the College and its purpose and the kids who come here.”
Sandy, Director of Enrollment Information, has worked at the College for 41 years. Put another way, beginning when she was a student, the College has had six presidents, and more than 12,000 students have graduated while she has been on Guilford’s staff.
The College paid tribute to Sandy and 46 other employees for their years of service ranging from 5 years to Sandy’s 41 during a luncheon last week at Founders Hall.
Sandy’s career at Guilford started as a student worker in the Financial Aid Office in1977. She’s had as many jobs at the College as she’s had offices. Over the past 41 years she’s gotten to know thousands of students, faculty, and staff. She’s also gotten to know a few buildings, too, having worked in New Garden, Hendricks, King, Duke, Founders, and Bauman.
These days, as Director of Enrollment Information, it’s Sandy’s job to make sure every student’s information is correct. She supplies data to offices campus-wide to make sure students are ready to enroll. She helps get word out on Guilford to guidance counselors and prospective students.
Sandy, who earned an Education Studies degree, says she got her longevity honest. Her father worked at a furniture store in Virginia for 50 years. Her sister and brothers also have worked at the same jobs for decades. She worked a year as a fifth-grade teacher in Greensboro before returning to Guilford. Been here ever since.
“That’s how we were brought up,” Sandy says. “If you find a job you like, that’s your job until you retire.”
Sandy says Guilford always seemed less a job and more a calling. “It's almost been a community-service project to be here,” she says. "I could have gone to other places to work, but Guilford is in my soul. There’s something about the College and its purpose and the kids who come here.”
Many of those kids end up working with Sandy in Admission. “From the students to the staff, they’re a great group of people,” she says.
Sandy and five other Guilford employees were honored for 25 years of service or more. Professor of Modern Language Studies Hiroko Hirakawa, Administrative Assistant/Licensure Officer Deedee Pearman ’03, and Charles A. Dana Professor of Music Kami Rowan were recognized for at least 25 years with the College. Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry Anne Glenn was recognized for 30 years, and Sulon Bibb Stedman Professor of Economics Bob Williams was recognized for 35 years.
Deedee (no relation to Sandy) graduated from Guilford with three degrees (Psychology, Justice and Policy Studies, and African American Studies). Her son Adam ’08 also graduated from Guilford and now works at the College.
Lincoln Financial Professor of Education Studies David Hildreth says that Deedee’s job title doesn’t begin to describe the work she performs in the College’s Education Studies Department. “Along with Adam, Deedee has also been ‘mom’ for several kids throughout the time I have known her,” David says. “She still is. Her passion for kids and helping others is supreme. (Students) are quite lucky to have her — as we all are.”
Guilford Provost Maria Rosales said Anne has long been a leader on campus. “Much of the time she has been a leader behind the scenes, coordinating science courses for our students, advising the Health Sciences students and serving in more roles than I could count. Anne's intelligence and thoughtfulness shine through her work.”
Maria said she doesn’t recall a Guilford without Bob in the Economics Department. "It seems like he's always been here,” she said. “Bob lives his values. He played an integral role in trying to prevent the housekeeping staff from being outsourced. He's done anti-racist work on campus for years. His scholarship is on economic inequality, and the values and expertise shown in his scholarship clearly influence how he approaches situations.”
Here’s a look at the Guilfordians who were honored (along with the year they reached their milestone of service):
Five Years of Service
Curtis Arena (2021), Wess Daniels (2020), David East (2021), Sharon Hines (2021), Kim-Anne Kleimeier (2020), Abby Langston (2021), Beth Ritson-Lavender (2022), Terra Roane (2021), Heather Roberts (2020), Amber Slade (2022), Brenda Swearingin (2020), Zulfiya Tursunova (2022)
Ten Years of Service
Daniel Diaz (2021), David Gauldin (2020), Ian Hulsey (2021), David Klenk (2020), Jill Peterfeso (2022), Sarah Thuesen (2022), Kyle Wooden ’11 (2022)
Fifteen Years of Service
Damon Akins (2022), Nelson Baecker (2021), Sarah Estow (2021), Emily Gann (2021), Sherry Giles (2022), Tom Guthrie (2021), Naadiya Hasan (2022), Drew Hays (2022), Chris Henry (2021), Ron Hinton (2022), Rodney Hodges (2022), Mark Justad (2022), Ben Marlin (2021), Dave Millican (2019), Darryl Samsell (2022), Kathryn Shields (2022), Dennis Shores (2022)
Twenty Years of Service
Maria Amado (2022), Ty Buckner (2021), Craig Eilbacher (2021), George Guo (2022)
Twenty Five Years of Service
Hiroko Hirakawa (2022), Deedee Pearman ’03 (2021), Kami Rowan (2019)
Thirty Years of Service
Anne Glenn (2022)
Thirty-five Years of Service
Bob Williams (2022)
Forty Years of Service
Sandy Pearman ’80 (2021)