President Kyle Farmbry shares information with the community about the College's strategic planning process, Envisioning Guilford College 2027.

In a community-driven effort that will continue through October, we will develop a strategic plan for Guilford College that will be a guide for our work over the next five years. I am writing to invite your active participation in the process.
As I expressed to campus community members attending a planning kickoff meeting in February, Envisioning Guilford College 2027 presents opportunities to create shared goals and foster relationships within and outside of the College. My goal is that the plan will strategically link our identity and vision toward the accomplishment of our institutional mission that was developed by our community in an earlier strategic planning process.
In addition, the plan will influence our work in securing more resources for the College. It will be instructive in the preparation and execution of a comprehensive fundraising campaign for Guilford in the coming years, and it will offer important context for our efforts in student recruitment, communications and marketing.
We are organizing our planning around a set of themes:
- Academic Engagement and Student Success: Enhance access, learning, and completion.
- Communication: Improve systems for internal and external communication using a variety of mediums.
- Community Building: Foster a positive working and learning environment for our campus.
- Financial Stability: Support long-term sustainability through sound financial processes and practices.
- Partnerships: Cultivate partnerships with individuals and organizations to support attainment of our mission.
Ann Proudfit, Project Director for Academic Strategies, is coordinating the planning process. She is collecting existing documents and data that will inform the plan’s development. Comments and questions are welcomed at
Ann is meeting with departments and individuals on campus to discuss their involvement. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to offer input through a survey and also to participate in one of the following input sessions:
- Monday, March 21, 8:30 to 10 a.m. (in-person), Founders Hall, East Gallery
- Thursday, March 24, 3 to 4:30 p.m. (in-person), Founders Hall, East Gallery
- Thursday, April 7, 7 to 8:30 p.m. (online)
An opportunity to RSVP will be provided soon in the Buzz and is available on the Envisioning Guilford College 2027 webpage.
Alumni, parents, and friends will have an opportunity to offer input through surveys and by participating in virtual town hall meetings with me over the next three months as well as an integrated online meeting with campus constituents on April 7.
The product of the planning process will be a strategic document that will guide our work through 2027. We expect to invite comments on a draft plan later this summer and begin implementing it this fall.
I look forward to working with you in this strategic planning process that will strengthen Guilford College for the future.
Kyle Farmbry