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Envisioning Guilford College 2027

Strategic Plan


Guilford's new strategic plan, Envisioning Guilford College 2027, was endorsed by the College's Board of Trustees in late October 2023 and is in its initial phase of implementation. Read the latest version of the plan, posted on this page, which includes information about a query process focused on Quaker testimonies and our Core Values as well as a community-wide exercise to explore our "Why," what it means to be a liberal arts institution, commitments to transformation, inclusion and innovation and what it means to be an anchor institution.

Image shows the cover of the Strategic Plan Update document, updated September 2023

Survey on Third-Stream Revenue Generation and Cost-Cutting

The top priority of Envisioning Guilford 2027 is to support long-term sustainability through sound financial practices and processes. Goals within this priority include developing third-stream revenue and reducing costs.

As we develop strategies for achieving these goals, we are seeking input from campus and external constituents. Please list your ideas in the survey by clicking the button below.

Hege Library at Guilford College

Guilford College's five-year strategic plan, covering the years 2023 through 2027, will guide us in aligning our resources to support the achievement of our institutional mission to: 

"To provide a transformative, practical, and excellent liberal arts education that produces critical thinkers in an inclusive, diverse environment, guided by Quaker testimonies of community, equality, integrity, peace and simplicity and emphasizing the creative problem solving skills, experience, enthusiasm, and international perspectives necessary to promote positive change in the world."

Led by President Kyle Farmbry, the planning process is community-driven and reflective of the College's Core Values and mission. Input to the process was received from hundreds of faculty and staff members, students, alumni, parents and friends through surveys and small-group discussions. 

The following priorities have been identified to organize our strategic-planning effort:

  1. Financial Stability: Support long-term sustainability through sound financial processes and practices.
  2. Academic Engagement and Student Success: Enhance access, learning and completion for Guilford College students.
  3. Communication: Improve systems for internal and external communication using a variety of mediums.
  4. Community Building: Foster a positive working and learning environment for our campus.
  5. Partnerships: Cultivate partnerships to support attainment of our mission.


To ask questions or share comments about the strategic plan, please email

Image reads: 100 plus, Number of contextual documents shared related to past planning efforts, research, and reports
Image reads: 40, Number of input sessions, including with President Kyle Farmbry and alumni, parents, and community members, as well as integrated input sessions and team meetings
Image reads: 685, Total number of session participants
Image reads: 65, Number of survey responses from the College community