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September 3, 2020

Get Involved at Guilford

With more than 50 clubs and organizations and tons of events each semester, Guilford has something for everyone to get involved on campus — even while social distancing!

“As one of the main sources of engagement, we are eager to connect folks to one another. We are ramping up the calendar to present activities for our community during the 12-week session, in a safe, socially distant environment until we emerge from the pandemic,” says Director of the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE) Terra Roane. 

This is Terra’s first year leading the OSLE team. “My mission is to create an inclusive environment that provides a safe space for all students to engage with one another outside of the classroom,” she says. “I am here to support the development of our next generation of leaders. I am inspired by this generation of scholars, every day. After working in Admission for more than 10 years, I am beyond thrilled to join the Student Affairs team here at Guilford College.”

Whether you’re staying entirely virtual, living on campus, or commuting, there are a number of ways to stay connected to Guilford’s tight-knit community. Check out a few key highlights below and stay connected all year with What’s the G? and the Guilford Buzz.

Become a WQFS DJ.

Sign up for a weekly, two-hour time slot and share your musical tastes with the world as a WQFS 90.0 DJ. As an alternative station, WQFS aims to uplift smaller and local artists and to help people find songs and artists that are often overlooked. Email Will Nowatka with any questions.

Meet Your Major/Pathway.

Get to know faculty and peers in your major and pathway during Guided Discovery’s Major/Pathway Mixer Week. Starting Monday, Oct. 19, there will be a number of exciting events and sessions to learn more about your department and classes.

Join the Guilford College Choir.

Despite the distance, the Guilford College Choir is still singing! Students can take MUS 120 College Choir (1 cr) or MUS 135 LUMINA treble ensemble (1 cr) and participate in this virtual adventure. The choir will practice and perform almost entirely virtually with some hybrid activities. All singers will also get a mini iPad from the Library to use for online rehearsals and recording their virtual choir videos. Guides or advisers can help students register for the 12-week class. No audition required! Learn more.

Get Outside on the Farm.

The Guilford College Farm provides fresh, sustainably grown produce to the College’s Dining Hall, a student-operated farmers market, a steadily growing CSA program, and more. Sign up to volunteer and help with the fall planting and harvest season.

Attend a Virtual Bryan Series Event.

The 2020-21 Guilford College Bryan Series lineup is a blend of in-person and virtual programs. It features experts on issues of local, national, and global significance following the COVID-19 pandemic. The series kicks off at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17 with presidential campaign pollster Harrison Hickman ’75. Students receive free access.

Looking for more ideas? Visit the Activities Fair from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sept. 14 on the Quad or reach out to the Director of OSLE Terra Rone or OSLE Graduate Adviser Dre' Jackson.