Art Department (Kami Rowan
Mark Dixon
Professor for Art
Hege Cox-12C
+1 (336) 3162249
What I teach:
o How to use a wide variety of tools from welders to sewing machines
o How to have less predictable ideas
o How to make high quality observations
o How to put conflicting observations to good use
o How to use risk and failure like the learning methods they were born to be
o How to develop an art making practice
o How to stay with the troubles and challenges at the heart of art and design
o How to apply art/design skills in and out of the studio
How I teach:
o With curiosity, interest, and appreciation for each of my students
o Through building relationships so we all teach, learn, support and challenge each other
o Using an intentional mix of mysterious and highly structured prompts
o Everything is an experiment
My art practice:
I build and perform with machines that make sounds. One device uses dripping water to trigger percussion instruments. Another instrument is an IBM typewriter that plays a note on a piano with every letter typed so language and notes entangle. I also make still, moving, and interactive sculptures that try to tinker with audience experience of time and attention. You can see videos and images at