Provost's Office
Naadiya Hasan
Associate Professor for Sociology and Anthropology & Associate Academic Dean
+1 (336) 3162848
Yale University, Ph.D., 2006
Yale University, Master of Art, 1999
University of Virginia, Bachelor of Art, 1996
Sociology and Women's Studies
Selected Scholarship
Review of “Southern Stalemate: Five Years without Public Education in Prince Edward County, Virginia. By Christopher Bonastia. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012).” American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 118, no. 4, January 2013.
Courses Taught
FYS 101: Media, Myths,Social Realities
SOAN 100: Introduction to Sociology
SOAN 102: Social Problems
SOAN 250: Transnational Memories
SOAN 265: Racial and Ethnic Relations
SOAN 267: Race and Gender in Media Focus
SOAN 337: Social Research Methods
SOAN 362: Popular Culture and Media Studies
SOAN 432: Women of Color in the United States