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Psychology Department (Kami Rowan

Chris Henry

Associate Professor for Psychology


+1 (336) 3162835


University of Georgia, Ph.D., 2006
Social Psychology
State University of West Georgia, Master of Art, 2000
Georgia Southern University, Bachelor of Science, 1998

Selected Scholarship

Henry, C. D. (in press). Biological wisdom from vertical and horizontal perspectives in Maslow’s “Toward a humanistic biology.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology.

Henry, C. D. (2017). Humanistic psychology and introductory textbooks: A 21st century reassessment. The Humanistic Psychology, 45(3), 281-292.

Henry, C. D. (2011). Searching for synthesis: Is it possible to be both a humanistic psychologist and a social psychologist? Society for Humanistic Psychology Newsletter (Division 32 of the American Psychological Association), Spring, 2011 (weblink:

Martin, L. L., Campbell, W. K., & Henry, C. D. (2004). The roar of awakening: Mortality acknowledgment as a call to authentic living. In J. Greenberg, S. L. Koole, & T. Pyszczynski (Eds.), Handbook of experimental existential psychology, pp. 431-448. New York: Guilford.

Courses Taught

PSY 100: General Psychology
PSY 224: Developmental Psychology
PSY 232: Personality Psychology
PSY 241: Mass Media
PSY 250: Propaganda and Mass Persuasion
PSY 250: Prosocial Behavior
PSY 250: Psychology of Personal Growth
PSY 338: Humanistic Psychology
PSY 342: Adult Psychopathology
PSY 347: Social Psychology
PSY 350: Advanced Abnormal Psychology
PSY 350: Classic Studies: Obedience
PSY 350: Classic Studies: Stanford Prison
PSY 445: Contemporary Issues
FYS 101: Materialism and Stuff