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Biology Department (Kami Rowan

Michele Malotky

Professor for Biology


+1 (336) 3162250


Northwestern University, Ph.D., 1994
Neurobiology and Physiology
Saint Olaf College, Bachelor of Art, 1985

Courses Taught

BIOL111: Integrative Biology: Molecules and Cells
BIOL114: Zoology
BIOL 115: Botany
BIOL 151: Evolutionary Theory: Past and Present
BIOL 203: Introductory Biology: Molecules and Cells
BIOL 242: Ethnobotany
BIOL 290: Human Biology
BIOL 291: Introduction to Scientific Inquiry
BIOL/PBH 292: Introduction to Community Based Research
BIOL 313: Molecular Cell Biology
BIOL 323: Mechanisms of Magic and Medicine
BIOL 340: Psychobiology
BIOL 343: Sensory Systems
BIOL 341 and 342: Anatomy and Physiology I and II
BIOL 450: Immunology
FYE 101: Flu Pandemic: Past and Present
FYE 101: Human Diversity: The Biology and Significance of Race, Gender and Sexuality
IDS 416: Biotechnology and Society