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Weather Alert - Campus Closed

Guilford College campus will be closed Friday, September 27, due to widespread possibility of flooding and power outages. See our emergency weather policy at

Registration Information

Spring 2025 Registration 

Log onto BannerWeb. Your user ID is your student ID number that begins with a “G”. If you have forgotten your pin number for logging onto BannerWeb, you may enter your User ID and click on the Forgot Pin button. If you answer the question correctly, you will be allowed to change your pin and continue logging onto Banner. If the Forgot Pin option is not successful you must contact the Help Desk at 316-2020 for assistance.

View holds with BannerWeb by choosing Student & Financial Aid, Student Records, and View Holds. All holds must be cleared with the appropriate office before you can register for any classes.

Please verify that we have the correct expected graduation date. You can view your expected graduation date by following the steps below. If the expected graduation date is not correct you should notify the Registrar’s Office(
• Log onto BannerWeb
• Click on Student & Financial Aid
• Click on Student Records
• Click on View Student Information
• Choose the upcoming Sprng Term and click Submit

Seniors graduating May 2025 must file a Degree Application online to remove the “Degree Application” hold by following the steps below: If you have an expected graduation date of May 2025 and do not plan to graduate, please notify the Registrar’s Office ( with an updated expected graduation date to have your “Degree Application” hold removed.
• Log onto BannerWeb
• Click the Student tab
• Click Graduation Application
• Print your Degree Evaluation. Students and advisors use the printout(s) to determine next term’s schedule and track curriculum progress.
• Helpful Degree Evaluation Information

To search the Spring 2025 course schedule and identify courses for which to register you may use Course Finder or use “Look up Classes” in BannerWeb - OR - for a fast, easy way to see your full academic plan for your remaining terms, organize your upcoming courses, and arrange your schedule, try Stellic.



Take your Degree Evaluation to this appointment. See “Prepare to Register” above.

Alternate PINs: Alternate PINs are available only from your advisor and are required for online registration for Fall. The alternate PIN is an additional, temporary number; it is not your regular, BannerWeb access PIN number. Alternate PIN numbers change every term.

A Biology professor wearing safety goggles stands at a blackboard and speaks to seated students.


Consortium registration is not available online. Consortium registration is by pre-approved Consortium Form (available in the Registrar’s Office) on the first day of class at the host institution. Consortium forms require approvals by one’s advisor and the department chair for each course to be taken. See schedules online at host schools’ websites. Registration is subject to space availability after home campus students register. It is recommended that students enrolled in Initiate not take a Consortium course. Go to Guilford College Catalog, and type Consortium in the search box. Guilford students are under the rules and dates of the consortium school.

Credit/No Credit Grading is an option, if approved, for students for a course that is neither a general education, major nor minor requirement. But credit/no credit grading cannot be arranged online. Rather, a Drop/Add form, with instructor, advisor and student signature must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office before the last day for adding courses.

Historical Perspectives courses should be taken immediately after English 102.

Independent Study (260,360,460): Requests for Independent Study are online.


Independent Study, Theses, or Departmental Honors Registration Form.
The form must be completed in consultation with the instructor and requires approval by the chairperson of the instructor’s department and the student’s advisor. It is recommended that students enrolled in Initiate not take independent study courses.

Independent Study credit cannot fulfill General Education requirements.

Internship (290,390) forms are available at the Contact the Career & Community Learning office, Library(first floor). It is recommended that students enrolled in Initiate not take an Internship. Internships cannot fulfill General Education requirements.

Overload: Students must submit a petition to the registrar requesting permission to overload under the following circumstances: the student wishes to take more than 18 credits in a fourteen-week session; 4 credits in a 3 week session; 16 credits in summer school; 12 credits during the 8-weeks summer term; 8 credits during a four weeks summer term The petition must include the approval signature of the student’s advisor and an Associate Academic Dean.

Physical Activity: Students are limited to four elective activity courses.

A class sits in a circle on the Quad.


View Spring/Summer 2025 Schedule.

After you register online, a screen appears that verifies course registration and/or states reason(s) for denied enrollment in certain courses.

Print the registration page or student schedule for your records. It is your official receipt. You may need it to resolve potential problems or errors in your registration. If you want to save money on printing costs, you may also download a copy of your schedule as a pdf on your computer or smart device.

Each student is solely responsible for their schedule. Simply attending class does not mean that registration is complete; and non attendance in a class for which you are registered does not mean it is dropped. A Drop/Add must be processed (using BannerWeb) by the published deadlines.

Once registered, you are officially enrolled at Guilford and financially responsible for charges. If you decide not to attend classes, you must notify the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (See the section on “If you do not plan to enroll Spring 2025” below in order to withdraw officially).

Specialized courses that require supplemental materials or aides may contain course fees. Course fees are viewable on BannerWeb by clicking the course title and then checking if there are “Base fees.”

Below is an example of a course with a course fee:
First Aid – 10656 – SPST 142 – 001
Base fees (other charges may apply)
First Aid Course Fee $37

Music theory students practice writing notes at the white board.

Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. on the date specified for each group

How to calculate current earned credits: Take the total used credits on the Degree Evaluation located in the Program Evaluation section just below the Program

Description section at the very top of the degree evaluation and subtract the credits in progress.

Check the total credits required for graduation. Even if there are no unmet requirements, all students must meet the required minimum total credits (124 or 128 depending on the catalog for the student's degree)"

All holds must be cleared before you can register.

Spring 2025 registration windows by class

Spring 2025 registration windows by class

The online registration period is open through the last day to add courses Tuesday, January 14, 2025. 

Times refer to online registration system availability. Help using the system is available from the Registrar’s Office weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (call x2121) Technical assistance is available from the Help Desk at x2020.


  • Closed Section – This course is filled to its capacity or the course requires instructor approval before registering for the course. The instructor must sign a Drop/Add form which also requires advisor approval. The signed Drop/Add form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
  • You do not appear to have satisfied the prerequisites for this course– Please check the course requirements and notify your academic advisor if you feel there has been an error. To obtain permission to register for a course in which you have not complete the prerequisite, please contact the instructor.
  • Linked Course Required – You have attempted to register for a lecture/lab course that requires registration in both the lecture and the associated lab. Register for the associated course. Labs have different CRN numbers from lectures.
  • Reserve Closed – Reserved spaces for Traditional First Year students are filled to capacity.
  • Repeat Count Exceeds Zero – This course is one you have already taken. Refer to the Guilford Catalog, Academic Regulations, the section on Grade Replacement Policy for information regarding repeating a course.

If you do not plan to enroll Spring 2025 you must notify the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (Founders 2nd Floor) and submit a withdrawal form to officially withdraw from Guilford.

If you have questions about registration after reading this information, please visit or call the Registrar’s Office (, New Garden Hall Basement, phone: 336.316.2121 We’ll be pleased to help you.

Registrar’s Office - New Garden Hall Basement
336.316.2121       M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Student Accounts - New Garden Hall Basement
336.316.2541      M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.