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Psychology Department


Major, Minor

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Inside the Human Mind

How do personality, culture, biology, gender, and ethnicity affect perceptions and behavior?

The Guilford College Psychology major and minor encourage students to make connections between personal experiences and psychological concepts and theories. For example, Guilford students enrolled in Introduction to Personality complete a comprehensive and integrative analysis of their own personalities using a number of theoretical approaches. Students enrolled in Environmental Psychology apply theories and research from behavioral psychology, cognitive psychology, and social psychology to develop interventions that will increase environmental responsibility on the Guilford College campus and beyond.

Guilford Psychology students gain incredible experience by conducting several independent research projects during their undergraduate career. These help students gain advanced competence in reviewing relevant literature, developing a proposal, carrying out a variety of research, analyzing data, and writing a final report. Some research projects have been the basis for departmental honors theses or have led to presentations at national conferences and publications in national psychology journals.

Graduates have attended top programs at institutions across the country, including physical therapy at Duke University and higher education administration at Vanderbilt University. Graduates of the Psychology program have excelled in a variety of careers, including an English teacher in Japan, a corporate recruiter, and a data systems operator.

College Catalog

For more information about courses within the Psychology Major, visit the Academic Departments and Majors page in the College Catalog. For more information about courses within the Psychology Minor, visit the Minors page in the College Catalog. In addition to the Undergraduate Catalog, information includes academic department and major information as well as academic regulations and resources; admission standards and requirements; and tuition, fees and financial aid information.

Hands-on Learning

Guilford College Psychology majors have benefitted from high-impact internships at the following organizations:

  • Horsepower Equine-Assisted Therapy Center
  • Vandalia Elementary School

  • Mental Health Association of Greensboro

  • Successful Transitions LLC