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Chemistry Department (Kami Rowan

Anne Glenn

Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry


+1 (336) 3162234


Texas A and M, Ph.D., 1989
Organic Chemistry
North Carolina State University, Bachelor of Science, 1984

Selected Scholarship

“Summer International REU Program in the United Kingdom” Nile, T. A.; Glenn, A. G. In Best Practices for Chemistry REU Programs; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society, 2018; Vol. 1295, pp 107–119

"Thermal Stability of Ionic Liquid BMI(BF4) in the Presence of Nucleophiles", Glenn, A.G., Jones, P.B., Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 6967-6969.

“Preparation and Characterization of Trispyrazolylborate Molybdenum Dicarbonyl h-3-Dienyl Complexes”. Lantero,D.R.,. Glenn,A. G. Day, C.S. Welker, M.E. Organometallics, 2003, 22, 1998-2000.

“Radical Cage Effects in the Photochemical Degradation of Polymers: In-Cage Trapping of Photochemically Generated Radical Cage Pairs in Polymer Model Compounds”. Male, J.L.; Yoon, M.; Glenn, A. G.; Weaklely, T.J.R.; Tyler, D. R. Macromolecules 1999, 32, 3898.

“Measurement of the Cage Effect in the Photolysis of the (h-5-C5H4(CH2)2N(H)C(O)(CH2)3CH3)2Mo2(CO)6 Complex”. Lindfors, B. E.; Nieckarz, G. F.; Tyler, D. R.; Glenn, A. G. J. Photochem. Photobiol., A, 1996, 94, 101-5.

Courses Taught

Chemical Principles I lecture and lab
Chemical Principles II lecture and lab
Organic Chemistry I lecture and lab
Organic Chemistry II lecture and lab
Integrated Research Laboratory for Organic Chemistry
Stories of Medicine
Food: Transformation, Science and Culture
Women Scientists in the U.S.
Real World Chemistry lecture and lab
Chemistry of Food and Cooking lecture and lab
Medicinal Chemistry
Chemistry Seminar
Health Science Seminar

Areas of Interest

Chemical education
Science of food and cooking
Study of reactions involving radical intermediates
Ionic liquids