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It is the policy of the College to provide pay and benefits to all employees that are consistent with Guilford’s values, competitive with our market, consistent with available fiscal resources, and with federal, state, and county laws and regulations. 

Purpose/Reason for Policy: The Guilford College community has developed this plan in order to attract, develop, retain and reward employees who are drawn to the Guilford College Core Values, based in the Quaker tradition. 

Scope/Covered Persons: All Guilford College Employees

The Policy: The complete Guilford College Compensation Program can be found here.

All individual salary decisions will be based on the factors identified within the compensation plan. Differences in salary levels will reflect education, skills, responsibilities, experience, market forces, and other factors that are outlined in the compensation plan and known to the campus community.

Guilford College's Compensation Program will be publically available and transparent to all employees. The President will update the campus community, once each year, on Guilford salaries compare to the goals we have set for ourselves. 

Hallmarks of this plan include:

  • Transparency — All employees will be informed of the basis for the salary they are paid. For Faculty, this would include the factors that were included in the faculty salary formula, the benchmark used to establish the factors, and how their experience, education and skills were taken into consideration for salary purposes. For Staff, this would include the salary range, the benchmark used to establish the range, and how their experience, education and skills were evaluated for their placement into the salary range. All applicants for positions or promotions at Guilford College will be informed about the hiring range for the position before the interview stage. 
  • Predictability — All employees will have access to the Compensation Program provisions so that each person can predict how their salary will be established as they progress through their career at Guilford, whether through longevity, promotion, transfer, etc.
  • Consistency — Salary administration guidelines have been established for both faculty and staff so that typical employment situations can be addressed in equitable and consistent ways. 
  • Equity — Though the programs developed for improving staff salaries and faculty salaries are distinctly different, these differences reflect the ways in which their roles at the College differ, and not their status or importance. The College is committed to improving all employee salaries at the same time. Neither group will be privileged over the other, and all information that is made available about one group is available to the other. 
  • Excellence — If we are to continue to provide our students with a stellar experience, we will need to compete for the best possible faculty and staff; one way to do that is to assure that we are paying salaries that are competitive within our market; no one should have to choose between joining the campus community that is right for them and being able to support themselves in the Greensboro area. In order to find that balance, both our faculty and staff compensation plans are indexed to the external market. The market data that is used to inform our salary administration practices will be made readily available to the campus.
  • Accountability — In order to hold ourselves to the standards we have set in this program, the College will update the campus community, once each year, on where our salaries are with respect to the goals we have set for ourselves.

Roles and Responsibilities: 

  • Director of Human Resources: Responsible for administering all aspects of The Plan related to staff compensation and payroll.
  • College Provost: Responsible for administering all aspects of The Plan related to faculty compensation
  • All Supervisors: Responsible for familiarizing themselves with all aspects of The Plan that relate to their supervision of staff and/or faculty.

Other related Policies, Regulations, Statutes and Documents: Guilford College Compensation Plan

Approval Authority: The Guilford College President

Responsible Office: Director of Human Resources and Payroll, Erickia Elbert, Bauman 105B, 336.316.2135,

Revision History: Approved by Compensation Committee on March 31, 2017