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Wiser Justice Program

Smarter Justice

The Wiser Justice Program, formerly known as the Higher Education in Prison Program, brings Guilford College instructors, who offer liberal arts courses, to incarcerated women and men. The five-semester program provides students with an opportunity to receive 30 college credits and take a Certification Exam and preparatory course both for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Peer Support Specialist (PSSP).

Fulfilling Our Mission of Justice One Day at a Time

The students in the Wiser Justice Program are remarkable. The challenges they face inside prison walls are limitless. They have a list of reasons of why not to enroll in an educational program or even stay in the program. Despite the challenges they continue to exceed expectations as they rise and defeat all odds.

Celebrating the Best in Everyone

We give our students the tools necessary to successfully reenter society through advancement of education, and opportunity for employment credentials. We believe all individuals deserve the chance to restore their lives and discover new possibilities.

Wiser Justice [Video]

Learn more about the Wiser Justice Program, and watch it in action.

A student speaks at a Guilford College Wiser Justice prison program graduation ceremony.
How It All Started

According to national statistics, one in every 31 adult Americans are either in prison, on probation or on parole. Upon release, 97% of incarcerated people return to a home in the ‘streets’ and more than half re-offend within three years.