Interim Grade Submission Guidelines
Interim Grade Submission for Spring 2025 14-Week courses: Deadline, 8:30 a.m., Friday, Feb. 28
Interim Grade Submission Guidelines
Faculty submit Interim grades via BannerWeb.
Deadline for grade submission is Friday, February 28. Grades submitted late CANNOT be entered or processed.
Advisors can also view interim grades for a student on BannerWeb by clicking on “Faculty and Advisors”, “Student Information Menu” and “Registration History.” Students will be able to see their interim grades online with Stellic or BannerWeb. Advisors can also view interim grades via Stellic and Adviser Dashboard (Advisers only, VPN required when off campus). Click here for Stellic instructions on how to check interim grades.
The window for entering interim grades electronically will begin 9:00 am, Friday, February 21 and end 8:30 a.m. Friday, February 28.
During this time you may enter or change grades as they are determined, by logging onto BannerWeb.
For students that have withdrawn or are auditing your class, the grade of “W” or “AU” will already be recorded and should not be changed.
Record a grade for every student in your class(es), including anyone that has stopped attending. Students should get the grade that they would otherwise receive if the course ended when you submit this grade. If a student has outstanding work, you must assume that the work will not be turned in and calculate the grade as if it were never turned in.
Reminder: The Last date of attendance will be required for the final grades of F, NC (no credit), WF (withdraw failing) when final grades are entered into Banner.
Helpful Tips:
There is a 20-minute security timeout within BannerWeb so you should click the submit button at least once during each 20-minute interval in which you are entering grades. It is probably best to have your grades computed and ready to be entered before you log
in to BannerWeb.
After you have finished entering all grades on BannerWeb please be certain that you click the submit button for those grades to be reported to the Registrar’s Office. Please do not attempt to enter grades via BannerWeb between the hours of 2:30 am and 4:00 am. System backup is occurring during this time.
Acceptable Grades
Students taking class for standard letter grades
Standard letter grades must be submitted for all First-Year students and students on support semester (academic probation).
“S” (Satisfactory) or “U” ( Unsatisfactory) grades may NOT be used for First-Year students or students on Support Semester. Acceptable uses for “S” and “U” grades are for theses, internships, practicums.
If at all possible, use standard letter grades for all students as they are much more useful in identifying the degree to which students are in academic trouble than the “S” and “U” grades.
Use the “WN” grade to indicate that a student has NEVER attended a course. You may use this grade if, and only if, a student has never attended your course. If a student has come to your class once (or more), you may NOT give this student a “WN”. If a student has attended one class or more, this student should be given a standard letter grade.
This grade should be entered now (at Interim) because it will not be an option when entering final grades.
“W” (withdrawal) – only recorded if a formal drop has been processed (Done by the Registrar’s office)
Students taking class for credit/no credit grade (CR/NC)
“CR” (credit is defined as work of “C-” quality or better)
“NC” (no credit is defined as work of below “C-” quality)
“W” (withdrawal) – only recorded if a formal drop has been processed (Done by the Registrar’s office)
Students auditing a class
“AU” (non-credit grade)-only recorded if an official audit registration has been processed (Done by the Registrar’s office).
Please contact the Registrar’s Office if you have any questions.