Hege Professor of History Tim Kircher co-led an online workshop, “Seeing Differently: Discovering Ourselves Through Art,” Sept. 26 involving students from the University of Sindh in Pakistan. Together with Rob Goldberg, a leadership consultant, Tim conducted the workshop with University of Sindh students and Professor of Anthropology Rafique Wassan. The workshop shows how observing a work of art develops insight into ourselves and others. The workshop was held before at Guilford.
In addition, on Oct. 10, Tim taught a class in Duke University’s interdisciplinary FOCUS program for first-year students. His seminar, “Healing Spaces in the Work of Leon Battista Alberti,” showed how Renaissance architects applied geometrical models of proportion in building places of care and comfort, including hospitals and churches. Using examples from the work of the polymath thinker and artist Alberti, Tim applied this concept of healing spaces to the form and content of Alberti’s dialogues.