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April 20, 2023

Come Back to Where it all Began

Guilford College will celebrate its Class of 1972 April 28-30. Guilfordians still have time register for the event. 

No matter the years and miles since they were students, Guilfordians are always welcome back at Guilford College.

The College continues its tradition of inviting alumni to celebrate the golden anniversary of their graduation with next week’s 50th reunion of the Class of 1972, which invites participation by graduates of 1971 and 1973 at the celebration as well.

Join your classmates back on campus for this milestone event to reconnect with old friends, share stories, create new memories, explore a revitalized campus and learn about Guilford’s plans for the future to create a transformative experience for every student.

More than 75 participants have already registered to attend the reunion April 28-30. You have until Monday, April 24, to register here

The reunion is bringing together classmates from across the world. Victoria Thoresen ’72 is flying in from Scandinavia. Helen Daley ’72 is traveling from Massachusetts. John Parker ’72 will hop in his car and make the trip from his home just down the street on Friendly Avenue.

“It’s going to be special seeing everyone and reconnecting again,” says John, a retired public school superintendent who, along with his wife Judy, moved back to Greensboro five years ago.

Fifty years is a long time, says John, who has helped organize the reunion over the past year. “The other day I was thinking that, back when we were young and graduating from Guilford in 1972, the College was having a 50th reunion for the Class of 1922,” he says. “That really puts things in perspective for me. That’s a long time between seeing friends and classmates.”

Victoria didn’t keep up with many of her classmates so she’s excited about seeing them for the first time in decades. “I’m curious as to how they are doing and what they have experienced during the past 50 years,’ she says. “I follow the lives of some of them online and have been in touch, online, with some of the staff at Guilford. I hope to renew old friendships and develop new ones.”

Helen says she’s kept in touch with many classmates – especially women who lived in Binford Hall like she did. She’s looking forward to seeing many of them in person. “We’re like old friends,” she says. “Whenever we see each other we pick up right where we left off.”

The reunion weekend includes induction of the Class of ’72 into the Golden Circle April 29, followed by opportunities to reconnect with old friends and former faculty members including an evening pig pickin’ put together by Jay Terrell ’72

The celebration will conclude with a Sunday breakfast at Ragsdale House hosted by President Kyle Farmbry and Leilani Martinez.

For more information contact Lisa Lee at