How to Apply: Master of Business Administration
Are you interested in continuing your education with an MBA? Register to attend an upcoming virtual information session to learn more about Guilford's online or in-person Master of Business Administration Program. Find the dates and links to register on the Guilford College Graduate School webpage.
Guilford College Master of Business Administration
Thank you for your interest in the Guilford College Graduate School. This page offers instructions for completing the application for admission to Guilford's Master of Business Administration program.
Please note that you can return to upload additional information after you submit your application.

Admission Requirements
All applicants must meet the following requirements. Please note that GRE and GMAT scores are not required. And a guiding principle of the Guilford MBA is that students need not have an undergraduate business degree. The MBA program includes leveling activities that help bridge students to graduate-level studies. Exceptions to these requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
- Have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or an equivalent accrediting body for institutions outside of the United States. Students who have a GPA lower than this threshold may request an exception to the 3.0 GPA requirement by submitting a 300- to 600-word statement (prepared independently by the applicant) that justifies this request.
- Complete the Guilford College Master of Business Administration application.
- All applicants must provide a statement addressing how an ethics-centered applied MBA will support their future goals. The statement is to be 300 to 600 words in length and must be prepared independently (without the help of others) by the applicant.
- Two letters of recommendation are required. A link to a digital form will be sent to the recommending persons who you identify on your application. They will respond to a series of questions, and they can also upload a letter. These recommendations should comment on the applicant's perceived ability to complete graduate-level coursework. Ideally, at least one recommendation will be from a college instructor. If you have lost touch with your college professors, please consider using a supervisor or peer that can comment on your ability to learn advanced material.
- All applicants must submit a current resume.
- Students whose undergraduate degree is in a language other than English must submit a TOEFL, Duolingo, or IELTS score. Minimum score expectations may be found on the international admission page.
Enrollment Fee
It's free to apply for Guilford's MBA program. If accepted, a $250 deposit, which will be applied to your first tuition bill, is required to hold your spot.
Transcripts and Academic History
Program applicants must submit an official transcript documenting a conferred bachelor's degree. Students yet to complete their undergraduate degree may submit a transcript within one semester of their planned graduation to be considered for provisional acceptance.
Students who have attended Guilford College do not have to obtain their Guilford transcript. Photocopied or faxed copies are not considered official. Please note that transcripts received in unsealed envelopes are not considered official and will not be processed.
Official transcripts should be mailed to:
Guilford College Graduate School
5800 West Friendly Ave
Greensboro, NC 27410
Guilford College requires that applicants submit an updated copy of their resume. The resume must be included with the application. Please ensure that your resume has all the work and extracurricular or community activities you engage in that will give the committee the most information about your background and qualifications. Your resume will be the only place that lists this information.
International Students
Taken an official TOEFL (paper-based) and earned a score of at least 550, or taken an Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) and earned a score of at least an 80 or show proof of successfully completing an Intensive English language before attendance at Guilford College. Guilford’s TOEFL code is 5261.
Taken an official IELTS and earned a score of at least 6.5 (no more than two years before attendance at Guilford College).
Successfully completed an advanced-level English language training program prior to starting the graduate program.
An International Student Financial Affidavit must be completed to document the applicant's ability to meet all educational and living expenses for the entire period of their intended study. Supporting documentation must also be submitted. For more information, please refer to Guilford's International Students webpage.
Application Deadlines
Admission for the fall semester will begin on a rolling basis.
Students who wish to apply for unsubsidized federal student loans should submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Guilford’s FAFSA code is 002931.