Guilford College is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for students and will promptly investigate any report of a missing student.
Purpose/Reason for Policy: The purpose of this policy is to promote the safety and welfare of members of the College Community and to comply with the Clery Act and other federal, state, and local laws.
Scope/Covered Persons: All members of the Guilford College Community
Missing Student - A person absent contrary to their usual pattern of behavior and Guilford College suspects that unusual circumstances may have caused the absence, or known facts indicate their safety may be at risk. Such factors could include, but are not limited to, a report or suspicion of foul play, suicidal or self-destructive comments or behavior, alcohol or drug dependency, or association with persons who may endanger the student’s welfare.
The Policy:
Guilford College students have the right to come and go as they please and to choose to let others know if they will be gone from campus. While in most cases of unexpected absence reported by friends or acquaintances, the student returns or contacts someone within a short time. However, there may be cases when an unexpected absence is more serious, resulting in a concern the student is missing and their safety is at risk.
If the College is advised of the unusual or unexpected absence of a student, steps will be taken to gather information in order to locate the student or establish his or her well-being within a 24-hour period. The The Office of Academic and Student Affairs and/or the Department of Public Safety are responsible for conducting an inquiry and making a determination about whether the student is “missing.” As part of an inquiry, instructors, advisors, parents, friends, law enforcement officials and others may be contacted.
Any student living in a College-owned or -operated residential facility may list a confidential contact person or persons whom the College will notify within 24 hours of a determination by the Department of Public Safety that the student is missing. To designate a confidential contact person as part of this missing student policy, contact the Office of Academic & Student Affairs.
This information will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and will not be disclosed except to law enforcement personnel as part of an investigation. Regardless of whether or not a residential student lists a confidential contact person, the Department of Public Safety will inform the Greensboro Police department within 24 hours of the determination that a student is missing.
If/when the Department of Public Safety notifies the Greensboro Police department of the missing student report, the Greensboro Police will become the lead agency on any investigation. The Department of Public Safety will assist them with continued inquiry within the campus community.
If a student is under 18 years of age and not emancipated (legally independent of his/ her parents), the College will notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian in addition to any confidential contact person listed by the student.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- All members of the Guilford College community: Any member of the Guilford College community having knowledge, or suspicion that a student fits this criteria should make a report of such to the Department of Public Safety or to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.
- The Office of Academic and Student Affairs: This office is responsible for maintaining student confidential contact information.
- Residential Education and Housing and/or the Department of Public Safety: These departments are responsible for conducting an inquiry and making a determination that a student is “missing.” As part of an inquiry, instructors, advisors, parents, friends, law enforcement officials, and others may be contacted.
Compliance: All members of the Guilford College Community are expected to comply with this policy.
Other Related Policies, Regulations, Statutes and Documents: The Clery Act
Any member of the Guilford College community having knowledge, or suspicion that a student fits this criteria should make a report of such to the Department of Public Safety or to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.
If the College is advised of the unusual or unexpected absence of a student, steps will be taken to gather information in order to locate the student or establish their well-being. Any student living in a College-owned or operated residential facility is given the opportunity at the beginning of each year to list a confidential “Emergency Contact” whom the College will notify within 24 hours of a determination by the Department of Public Safety that the student is missing. The Office of Academic and Student Affairs will maintain the confidential contact information. Residential Education and Housing and/or the Department of Public Safety are responsible for conducting an inquiry and making a determination that the student is “missing.” As part of an inquiry, instructors, advisors, parents, friends, law enforcement officials, and others may be contacted.
The information will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and will not be disclosed except to law enforcement personnel as part of an investigation. Regardless of whether or not a residential student lists an emergency contact, the Department of Public Safety will inform the Greensboro Police department within 24 hours of the determination that a student is missing.
Approval Authority: The Guilford College President
Responsible Office: Public Safety, 818 Quadrangle Drive, 336.316.2907,
Revision History: Excerpted from the Student Handbook 2018-19