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June 17, 2024

Bill Foti Named ODAC President-elect

Bill becomes the first Guilford Athletic Director to serve as ODAC president in more than 20 years. 

Guilford College Athletic Director Bill Foti will serve as president of the Old Dominion Athletic Conference beginning in 2025 and as president-elect will be a member of the league’s executive committee immediately.

“This is a tremendous honor,” says Bill. “The ODAC is one of the most competitive and well-run (NCAA) Division III conferences in the nation. I look forward to working with the rest of my athletic director colleagues to further advance the league.”

Bill – the first Guilford Athletic Director to be ODAC president in more than 20 years – replaces Shenandoah University (Va.) Athletic Director Bridget Lyons on the executive committee. Bridget resigned her university post earlier this month.

As a member of the ODAC’s executive committee, Bill will have a hand in the administration of conference championships ranging from budgets to the number of teams that will compete in each championship.

ODAC Commissioner Brad Bankston says he’s excited about Bill taking a leadership role in the conference.

“Bill’s thoroughness, his vast knowledge of Division III as a coach, as well as an administrator, have prepared him for this role,” says Brad. “He certainly stands out in our meeting as being outspoken and willing to have an opinion, which I think is important. You want someone who is going to be participatory and has a good basis for understanding what we’re doing.”

Bill was named Guilford's Director of Athletics in May of 2021 after serving as the men's basketball coach for 29 seasons at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, N.H. He also worked as Colby-Sawyer’s Director of Athletics and, later, Senior Associate Athletics Director.

Founded as the Virginia College Conference in 1975, the ODAC currently has 15 full members but will lose Ferrum College (Va.) to the Division II ranks in 2025. Guilford, the only North Carolina member, joined the league in 1991 after moving to Division III from the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA).