Envisioning Guilford 2027 will continue to enhance the education students receive while developing financial strategies to ensure the College’s future.
The Guilford College Board of Trustees has endorsed a strategic plan that will guide Guilford through 2027, building on the quality liberal arts-centered education students receive while developing financial strategies to ensure the College’s long-term sustainability.
Envisioning Guilford College 2027 contains goals that position Guilford to "grow and "remain a thriving liberal-arts college for years to come,” says Board Chair Ione Taylor ’76.
In a resolution released Oct. 29, following the board’s fall meeting, Ione wrote that the board “enthusiastically endorses the bold strategic plan.”
“The Board commits to continuing our collaboration with President Kyle Farmbry and senior leadership to ensure appropriate alignment between implementation of the strategic plan, the budget and shaping a shared vision for transformation at Guilford College.”
Trustees also praised Kyle for his performance the past year, citing his transparency, leadership and bringing together the College’s diverse constituents in creating the plan.
The plan has five priorities:
Financial Stability: Support long-term sustainability through sound financial processes and practices.
Academic Engagement and Student Success: Enhance access, learning and completion for Guilford College students.
Communication: Improve systems for internal and external communication using a variety of mediums.
Community Building: Foster a positive working and learning environment for the campus.
Partnerships: Cultivate partnerships to support attainment of the College’s mission.
Envisioning Guilford College 2027 lifts up an Office of Transformation and Inclusion to ensure the College is meeting the needs and building and celebrating the success of all students. The plan also includes an Office of Campus and Community Engagement that will be a central hub of promoting positive change by working in partnership with nonprofits, schools and businesses locally and globally.
The plan also calls on Guilford to take a leading role in serving as an educational anchor institution in Greensboro, the Triad and beyond by connecting the College’s resources, students and alumni to meet challenges that intersect with its mission, purpose and role in the community.