The National Science Foundation has awarded Dr. Terry Nile and Dr. Anne Glenn $359,592 for their proposal "Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site: Chemistry for a Sustainable Future - an International Research Experience in the UK." Terry is Professor Emeritus at UNC Greensboro and Anne is Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry at Guilford College and an adjunct professor at UNCG.
The grant will support eight undergraduates to undertake research in Chemistry mentored by professors affiliated with the Institute for Sustainability at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom for ten weeks in the summers of 2023-25. The students will be recruited from the Greater Greensboro Consortium institutions as well as colleges and universities in the southeastern United States.
This summer's participants include two Guilford College students, Noah Dabney ’23 (Chemistry, Music and Health Science) and Zakir Moore ’25 (Chemistry) as well as students from UNCG, UNC Pembroke, N.C. Central University, High Point University and Wake Forest University.
The students' travel and accommodation costs are covered by the grant, and each student will receive a stipend of $6,000.