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December 14, 2022

College Establishes Pay It Forward Scholarship Program

The newly established Pay it Forward Scholarship Program will provide a one-time $1,000 grant to Guilford College students who need additional financial support to cover their expenses.

Also, the program is designed to foster a stronger sense among students of the importance of philanthropy in sustaining educational opportunities for students at the College in the future. 

“This is a close-knit community, and many people are invested in student success, starting with faculty and staff you interact with every day,” President Kyle Farmbry wrote to students in announcing the program on Dec. 14.

“The Pay it Forward Scholarship Program is made possible by the philanthropy of alumni and friends who want you to have the benefits of a Guilford education that they enjoyed.” 

In turn for receiving the scholarship, students selected will:

  • Participate in training opportunities in philanthropy and leadership development.
  • Pay it forward by committing to make regular philanthropic contributions after graduating in order to provide scholarships for future Guilford students.

After the awarding of initial grants, future funding may be available for students depending on the depth of their engagement in the program, academic performance, and service to the broader community.

Applications may be submitted by current students via this link. The deadline for applications is Jan. 5, 2023. Questions may be directed to Chief of Staff Meredeth Summers at