The Office of the Provost is pleased to call for nomination letters from Guilford College faculty, staff, and students for the 2022 Bruce B. Stewart Teaching Awards and Bruce B. Stewart Community Service Award.

Bruce Stewart ’61 served Guilford College as director of admission, assistant professor of Education, assistant to the president, acting academic dean, provost, acting president, associate to the vice president for development, trustee, chair of the Board of Trustees, and currently trustee emeritus. The Soles Family – Bill Soles ’81 and Jan Soles Nelson ’87 – generously established and endowed these awards. For 2022, the College will award three Bruce B. Stewart Awards: two Teaching Awards for faculty (one for a tenured faculty member, one for an untenured full-time faculty member, whether on tenure track or not) and one Community Service Award for one staff member; either administrative (non-hourly) or support (hourly). Prior recipients are not eligible.
All nomination letters should be submitted electronically to Lisa Demers at no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, March 4, 2022.
Specific information on eligibility and award criteria are listed below.
Teaching Award | Community Service Award | |
Award Eligibility | Any full-time faculty member is eligible: tenured, untenured, on tenure track, or not on tenure track. No previous recipient of the tenured faculty award may receive a second award. However, a previous recipient of the untenured faculty award, if they have subsequently earned tenure, is eligible for the tenured faculty award. | Candidates must have a minimum of five years of consecutive full-time Guilford College employment. Candidates must devote at least 50 percent of their time to administrative/staff duties per their official appointment with the College. No previous recipient of the Community Service award may receive a second award. |
Award Criteria | Existing measure for excellence in teaching and advising as approved by the Guilford College faculty. | Specific contributions to the quality of community life at Guilford College, with preference to student life, concrete outcomes of those contributions, and demonstrated concern and respect for others. |