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Guilford College will open at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, 1/13/25, due to icy conditions on campus. See our emergency weather policy at

October 16, 2020

Health and Safety Task Force Update: Oct. 16, 2020

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As the College finishes the fourth week of its 12-week session, there is growing concern that some members of our community are not complying with vital health and safety protocols. Given the troubling surges in reported COVID-19 cases in our region and throughout the country, it is absolutely imperative that everyone take personal responsibility in safeguarding your health and the wellbeing of our entire community.

Follow Community Standards 

Please make sure you have read the StayHealthy@Guilford Plan. We also need to adhere to the following regulations that the College has put in place:

  1. Wear a face covering when you are indoors. If you are in your own room or office with the door closed you can remove it, but have it with you in case another person joins you. Wear a face covering outside when you can’t social distance (6 feet or more apart). Face coverings are not just one of the best tools we have to fight the spread of COVID-19, they are mandatory for everyone on campus. Do not go to class, meetings, indoor spaces, or any place where people gather without one.
  2. Wash your hands frequently and properly. Use soap. Take 20 seconds. Do it right to help promote good hygiene.
  3. Keep your distance. Stay at least 6 feet apart whenever possible. Close, prolonged contact is a proven way to spread COVID-19, so avoid it as much as possible.
  4. Monitor yourself for symptoms. If you feel ill, do not come to campus. Call the COVID-19 hotline or your personal health care provider to ask if you need to be tested. 
  5. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been in close contact with someone who tested positive, complete the Self-Reporting Form or contact the COVID-19 Hotline.
Get All Your COVID-19 Questions Answered

Guilford’s student Public Health interns are planning multiple COVID-19 informational sessions to help keep our community as safe as possible. We encourage everyone to attend these conversations. A short survey is available that will inform our public health interns on the best times for these conversations and topics that you will want to have covered during these conversations. That form can be found here. 

COVID Testing

On Oct. 15 and Oct. 16, we continued our random COVID-19 testing and conducted our second round of student-athlete testing. Several community members also chose to be tested. We expect to get results beginning Monday, Oct. 19.

Here are our current COVID-19 statistics:

  • We have had 22 identified positive cases since move-in day, Thursday,  Aug. 13.
  • We have had 12 positive cases since the beginning of classes, Wednesday, Aug. 19.
  • We are currently managing one active positive case.
  • We have 8 students who have been identified as close contacts to a positive case and are quarantining for a mandatory 14 days.

While these numbers are still low, we ask that our community remain vigilant and follow our protocols. We are still in the middle of a rapidly changing pandemic and we need to keep our guard up.

Fall Closing Schedule Announced

Residential students received information and instructions today for end-of-semester residence hall closing; the schedule and procedures are unique to Fall 2020. The notice can be found here. All on-campus residence halls and apartments will officially CLOSE for Thanksgiving Break at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 21, and will REMAIN CLOSED for the semester. Details to request to stay past this time are included.

Be on the lookout for our next weekly update to be sent Friday, Oct. 23. Remember that if you have any questions related to COVID-19 and our efforts to mitigate the pandemic on campus, please call the COVID-19 Hotline at 336-316-2319.  We are all in this together!

Jermaine Thomas
Director of Public Safety
Health and Safety Task Force Chair

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