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Guilford is moving forward with plans to open campus and provide in-person instruction for fall 2020.
Many details need to be worked out in the coming weeks, but the College is looking ahead with eager anticipation. Most importantly, Guilford is committed to pursuing the safest, most responsible way to re-open campus.
“It will be a thrilling reunion when we welcome our students, faculty and staff back to campus,” says President Fernandes. “There is lots of work ahead of us to reach that reality, but we eagerly embrace the challenge. Our overriding and uncompromising priority, of course, is to ensure the health, safety and well-being of everyone in the Guilford community.”
To that end, President Jane Fernandes has appointed Guilford College Public Safety Director Jermaine Thomas to lead the College’s Health and Safety Task Force. The task force is charged with enacting all necessary measures to safeguard the entire Guilford community and all campus facilities — in strict compliance with CDC guidelines and with direction from local, state and federal government authorities. Further, ongoing consultation and collaboration with area healthcare experts will be integral to developing and implementing a prudent health and safety plan.
Much more about health and safety planning at Guilford will be shared in the weeks ahead, along with other emerging details related to academic plans, co-curricular activities, athletics, living and dining on campus.
See Guilford College’s full response to the Coronavirus pandemic here.