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Public Safety (P-Safe)

Campus Safety and Security

Providing safety and security is the highest priority for the Guilford College Office of Public Safety (P-Safe). We collaborate with the Guilford community and our Greensboro neighbors to preserve peace, deter crime, and establish a safe environment.

Archdale Hall, flanked by trees filled with fall-colored leaves.
Reporting Crimes and Emergencies

Community members are urged to report all crimes by visiting the Office of Public Safety at 818 Quadrangle Drive (the intersection of George Fox and Quadrangle Drives) or by contacting the Public Safety officer on duty.

A tree blooms with pink flowers in the spring beside of Duke Hall.
Public Safety Contact Information

Officer On Duty

336.316.2911 (x2911 from a campus phone)

336.316.2909 (x2909 from a campus phone)

For emergencies, dial 911.

Two students chat between classes while sitting in the Binford Hall Orangerie.
Keeping Each Other Safe

Community vigilance against crimes on campus ensures a safer environment for all of us. Crime prevention can be more easily achieved when the community works together.

Ted Johnson
Ted Johnson

Director of Public Safety

10 Tips for Campus Safety

  1. Know your surroundings and trust your instincts. Report anyone and anything that looks suspicious. (See Something, Say Something)
  2. Keep phone numbers of Public Safety in your mobile phone for emergencies. (336.316.2911 and 336.316.2909 are both routed to the P-Safe officer on duty.)
  3. Know where the blue emergency lights are on campus.
  4. Lock your door. Don’t loan your key to friends.
  5. Do not accept drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) from others. Remember that alcohol is the No. 1 acquaintance-rape drug.
  6. When you leave campus, let someone know where you’re going and when you plan to be back.
  7. You don't have to walk alone at night on campus. P-Safe will pick you up and make sure you arrive to your campus destination safely.
  8. Do not prop open doors.
  9. Do not allow strangers into residence spaces.
  10. Use caution when posting information on social networking sites.

Guilford Guard

Guilford College Safety App

Guilford Guard is the official safety app of Guilford College. It is the only app that integrates with Guilford College's safety and security systems. Public Safety has worked to develop a unique app that provides students, faculty and staff with added safety on the Guilford College campus. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources.

Safety Information

Authority and Jurisdiction

Guilford’s Public Safety staff is here to ensure campus security and safety. They have the authority to ask people for identification and to determine if they have legitimate business on campus. They have the authority to enforce parking violations. Public Safety does not have the power to arrest; criminal incidents are referred to the Greensboro Police Department, whose jurisdiction includes Guilford College.


The Office of Public Safety provides the following services to members of the Guilford College community:

  • 24-hour patrolling of campus areas with primary concern for personal safety of all students, staff, faculty and visitors
  • 24-hour blue-light emergency phones with immediate connection to Public Safety officers for medical assistance, fire alert, police assistance and suspicious activity (336.316.2909)
  • Crime-prevention programming to assist all community members in heightened awareness of safety issues
  • Oversees the Peace of Mind (POM) device program on campus
  • On-campus escorts upon request
  • Liaison services to all local law-enforcement agencies
  • Property registration to minimize theft
  • Monitoring safety conditions and filing safety-related work requests
  • Enforcement of campus vehicle registration, parking and traffic programs
  • Bicycle registration program
  • Campus facilities access control

Safety and Crime Prevention Programs

Guilford’s campus is equipped with easy-to-find, blue-light emergency phones with immediate connection to Public Safety officers for medical assistance, fire alert, police assistance and suspicious activity (336.316.2909).

Being aware of safety and crime-prevention strategies helps our community collaborate to maintain a safe, peaceful environment. Throughout the year, the Office of Public Safety offers useful and relevant programming in Guilford’s residence halls and other venues to maintain a high awareness about safety and crime prevention. All of the awareness and crime-prevention programs encourage students and employees to be aware of their responsibility for their own security and the security of others.

Bike Registration

To discourage theft and aid in recovery and identification of lost or stolen property, students are required to register bicycles within seven days of the start of the semester. Bring your bike to the Office of Public Safety to complete the registration process. Once registered, you will be given a free bicycle registration sticker; this must be prominently displayed on your bicycle frame. PLEASE NOTE: Bicycles on campus without registration stickers will be confiscated by the Office of Public Safety.

Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report

As part of Guilford’s commitment to campus safety and security, and to maintain compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act, the Department publishes an Annual Security Report. This document is a resource for information about the College’s offices and services related to safety, and also to address concerns about crime issues. Guilford also collects fire statistics, publishes an Annual Fire Safety Report as part of the Annual Security Report and keeps a fire log. This report is available online through the Department of Public Safety.

Sex Offender Registry

In accordance to the federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, which amends the Jeanne Clery Act, Campus Security provides a link to the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation’s Sex Offender Registry. 

In the State of North Carolina, convicted sex offenders must register with the Criminal Information and Identification Section of the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation. Megan’s Law allows the public to access the registry. It also authorizes local law enforcement to notify the public about high-risk and serious sex offenders who reside in, are employed in or frequent the community.

Sexual Assault Policies and Programs

Guilford is committed to maintaining a community free of gender- and sexual-based violence, and thus will not tolerate instances of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, dating/intimate partner violence and stalking, as defined by the state of North Carolina and/or federal law and reflected in the Guilford College code of conduct. Guilford encourages all students, faculty and staff to become familiar with the guidelines for reporting of sexual misconduct and the supportive resources available. Guilford recognizes the importance of assisting students in regaining a sense of personal dignity and control and providing guidance and support with decision making.

Gender- and sexual-based violence seriously and negatively impacts the emotional, mental and spiritual health of those affected and continues long after the physical trauma has ended. The Guilford Counseling Center is staffed with experts who can help students who have experienced trauma (336.316.2163). For confidential help with reporting and access to resources, contact the Wellness Coordinator at 336.316.2879.

Family Services of the Piedmont also offers a local 24-hour Rape Crisis hotline (336.273.7273).

Gender- and sexual-based violence is never the fault of the victim/survivor. Each person has the responsibility to ensure that their sexual partner is willing and able to consent freely. Excessive use of alcohol and other drugs often precedes many incidents involving gender- and sexual-based violence. Use of these substances may interfere with one’s ability to either consent to or refuse sexual activity. Use of these substances may also interfere with an individual’s judgment regarding sexual aggression. The use of alcohol or other drugs, however, does not diminish personal responsibility for behavior that is socially unacceptable or aggressive.

Awareness-raising programs regarding sexual assault prevention, survival and recovery are scheduled throughout the year by the Wellness Education Coordinator and the Counseling Center.

Security and Access to Facilities

Our facilities are intended for the use of Guilford students, faculty and staff. Therefore, access to campus facilities is generally restricted to members of the Guilford community. There are a few rules in place to prevent unauthorized access to our buildings and property. Exterior doors to residence halls are locked 24/7. Only students with Quaker cards, people with student escorts and those with legitimate business inside residence halls are allowed entry. All others are considered intruders, and residents are asked to contact Public Safety immediately if you notice an intruder (336.316.2911). Duplicating keys and propping outside doors open are violations of our security policy.

Emergency Operations Plan

In the event of a natural, technological or human-related disaster, Guilford has special procedures in place to address the needs of mitigation, preparedness and response and recovery management called the all-hazard Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). This plan establishes policies, procedures and guidelines allowing Guilford to save lives, minimize injuries, protect property, preserve a functioning administration and maintain essential activities. Guidelines are in place to conduct effective and coordinated emergency operations on campus and beyond.

Drills are conducted on campus to ensure emergency preparedness. In an emergency, Guilford will attempt to communicate with the community through numerous methods, including public postings, information hotlines and an Emergency Alert System integrating telephone, text messaging and email. For more information about the Emergency Operations Plan, call 336.316.2907.

View Emergency Operations Plan

Two students walk between boxwood hedges toward Founders Hall.

Faculty, Staff and Student Parking

Parking and Traffic Information

Administrative office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to  5 p.m. Public Safety officers are on duty 24 hours a day and can be reached by calling 336.316.2909 or 336.316.2911 (extension 2909 or 2911 from any campus phone). All parking and ticket problems or concerns must be handled during normal business hours in the Office of Public Safety.

General Policies

Read the College's parking policy on the Policy Library page.

Residential Student Parking (Red Permit)

  • Residential students may ONLY park in lots or spaces assigned to their permits, including the following lots: North and South Apartment lots, Milner lot, the row closest to English Hall and Bryan lot.
  • Residential students may not park in alternative housing lots. Students living in alternative housing (Pines, Cobb and Pope) will be issued a brown permit that will allow them to park in the spaces designated to their house, and in other residential lots.
  • Visitor spaces are not to be used by students for any reason.

Commuter and CE Student Parking (Blue Permit)

  • Commuter students may ONLY park in lots or spaces assigned to their permits, including the following lots: Binford/Hendricks lot, CCE/northwest lot, Bryan lot, Dana Auditorium lot and the lower level by the P.E. Center.
  • Visitor spaces are not to be used by students for any reason.

Faculty and Staff Parking (Green Permit)

  • Faculty and staff may park in lots or spaces assigned to their permits as well as park in any residential or commuter lot as additional parking.
  • Faculty/staff may not park in visitor spaces for any reason.

Violations and Fines

All offenses warrant a fine (a portion of which is applied to the Student Loan Fund):

Offense Fines
01 - Parking in a staff space without a permit $20 
02 - Parking in other reserved space or area $20
03 - Parking in a non-marked space $25
04 - Parking on the grass $25
05 - Blocking another vehicle  $25 
06 - Parking in a fire lane (towing enforced) $50
07 - Unregistered vehicle* $100
08 - Speeding/reckless driving $100
09 - Parking in a handicapped space $250
10 - Exceeding time limit $20
11 - Improper display of parking permit $20

*An unregistered vehicle is any vehicle not displaying a current parking permit, displaying a permit in an incorrect place or displaying a permit registered to another vehicle.

The Director of Public Safety reserves the right to tow a vehicle or revoke any on-campus parking and driving privileges for the following reasons: outstanding citations in excess of four (4) per academic year, use of fraudulent permits (permits issued to another vehicle or person), careless and/or reckless driving, causing property damage or verbal or physical abuse or threats directed at any Public Safety officer during the performance of his/her duties — which is a detriment or safety concern to the community.

Citations may be appealed for review by the Director of Public Safety if the contention is that the cited regulations were not violated. This is the only appropriate basis for an appeal. Appeals must be made in writing to the Director of Public Safety within fourteen (14) days of the date of the citation. Forms are available in the Office of Public Safety, or Telephone and email appeals will not be accepted.

Students with any unpaid citations will have a hold placed upon their account, will be unable to access grades and transcripts and will be unable to register for classes.

Students, faculty and staff are responsible for their visitors and will be held financially responsible for citations issued to them.

Towing and Wheel Boot Policy

Any Public Safety officer may order the towing or immobilization of a vehicle in violation of the following parking regulations on the Guilford campus:

  • Failure to respond to four (4) parking violations summons.
  • Parking an unauthorized vehicle in a HANDICAPPED, FIRE LANE or RESERVED space (including the President’s space).
  • Parking in the traveled portion of a roadway or in a no parking/tow zone.
  • Blocking a dumpster or otherwise interfering with waste removal.

Persons wishing to secure the release of a vehicle that has been booted or impounded should report to the Office of Public Safety between the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Once fines have been resolved, the Office of Public Safety will release the boot. The cost to the owner of a booted car will be $45 plus all parking fines. The person has up to 48 hours to resolve all fines and citations. After 48 hours, the vehicle will be towed, incurring additional costs at the owner’s expense. If a vehicle has been towed, the Office of Public Safety will issue a Stored Vehicle Release Authorization Certificate, which the person will present to the towing company. The towing company will release the vehicle after collecting any accrued fees.

Abandoned or disabled vehicles are subject to towing at the owner’s expense, unless the owner notifies the Office of Public Safety in writing at the time the vehicle becomes disabled. Vehicles that do not have a current state-issued license plate or current Guilford College registration permit may be treated as an abandoned vehicle. The Director of Public Safety will determine whether a vehicle is disabled and allowed to remain on campus.

Bicycle, Motorcycle, and Scooter Registration

Students are required to register their bicycles, motorcycles and scooters. 
Students will be given a registration sticker (free of cost), which must be prominently displayed. Bicycles, scooters or motorcycles found on campus without a registration sticker will be confiscated by the Office of Public Safety. Bicycles that are not secured to approve bicycle racks will also be confiscated. Confiscation incurs a $25 storage and recovery fee. Reimbursements will NOT be issued for locks removed or cut during the confiscation process. The Office of Public Safety is not responsible for any damages that occur during the confiscation or storage process. If confiscated items are not retrieved by the student within thirty (30) days, they will be donated to the Guilford College Bike Shop or a local charity. Disassembled bikes (or parts) will be removed. 

Scooters and motorcycles may NOT be driven on any sidewalks, but may be secured to approve bike racks. In keeping with North Carolina state law, operators and passengers of motorcycles/scooters must wear a safety helmet. Students may not leave bikes, motorcycles or scooters attached to bike racks beyond the end of the spring semester. Any bike left after the end of the spring semester will be confiscated. The only exception to this policy is for students returning for summer school. These students must arrange for their bike to be stored by security until they return for the start of their summer session.