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Transfer Students — How to Apply

Discuss Your Transferrable Courses

Contact Guilford Today

Are you curious which of your courses transfer to Guilford College? Please reach out to us at, and we'll reply to your email with information in five to seven business days. You can also download the following PDFs, which outline transferrable courses from North Carolina community colleges. We look forward to welcoming you to Guilford!

N.C. Community College / Guilford College Equivalencies

N.C. Community College System Course Equivalencies for Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Astronomy

Students work on computers in Bauman Hall.

We welcome all students who wish to finish their bachelor's degree at Guilford. To be considered for admission, please submit the following.


  • Application: There are three ways for transfer students to apply to Guilford College:
  • Transcripts: Please submit your official college transcripts to the Office of Admission. Contact your previous school for instructions or visit National Student Clearinghouse.
  • High School Transcript: If you have earned fewer than 24 college credits, we will need your high school transcript.
  • Personal essay: A personal essay is requested of each applicant. The subject is presented on the application form.
  • Test-Optional:
    • Guilford College is test optional, but applicants may submit SAT and/or ACT scores, and the admission committee will review all scores to determine those which may best advantage each applicant. (Guilford SAT Code: 5261; Guilford ACT Code: 3106)
    • Guilford accepts unofficial copies of test scores for application reading purposes. Applicants can scan and email score reports to
  • Dean of Students Form: Students must be in satisfactory standing to be considered for admission to Guilford College. Please have your current dean of students review, sign and mail an official copy of the Dean of Students form to the Office of Admission.



  • Letter of Recommendation: Please ask at least one non-family member (teacher, coach, music director, clergy member, etc.) to supply a letter of recommendation.
  • FAFSA: Guilford’s FAFSA code is 002931. Every student who submitted a FAFSA receives financial assistance from Guilford College. Students from North Carolina are more likely to receive state-supported grants if they have a FAFSA on file, and out-of-state students are more likely to receive institutionally funded, need-based aid with a FAFSA on file. The FAFSA is available Oct. 1. File your form as soon as possible starting Oct. 1 to receive maximum consideration for aid.


When to Apply


Fall Rolling Admission

  • All materials must be postmarked by: June 1
  • Receive admission decision by: Three weeks after application completion date
  • Submit $250 deposit by: July 1

Spring Rolling Admission

  • All materials must be postmarked by: December 1
  • Receive admission decision by: Three weeks after application completion date
  • Submit $250 deposit by: January 1

Contact Us

Bryan Mathews
Bryan Mathews

Assistant Director of Admissions