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Weather Alert - Campus Closed

Guilford College campus will be closed Friday, September 27, due to widespread possibility of flooding and power outages. See our emergency weather policy at

Theatre Studies Department

Apply Request Info

Theatre Studies provides rigorous, professionally oriented training within the context of a well-rounded liberal arts education. As a Theatre Studies major, you can pursue training in classes as challenging as those offered in any conservatory in the nation, while obtaining a solid education that keeps your career or graduate study options open as you explore the work of a professional artist.

Faculty members and staff have worked as professional theatre actors, directors, designers, and technicians. In addition, practicing artists of high caliber are often invited to campus to work with students. Guest artists have included:

  • Playwrights Edward Albee, Simon Bent, Maria Irene Fornes and Tony Kushner
  • Actors Tandy Cronyn, Sidney Poitier, Anna Deavere Smith, Mickey Solis and Jack Wetherall
  • Designers Dominic Abbenante, Jesse Belsky, Burke Brown, Gabriel Clausen, Roslyn Fulton-Dahlie, Elisheba Ittoop, Badger Koon, Robbie MacLean, John Wolf and Maria Wurttele
  • Directors Mark Rucker and Danny Scheie
  • Master teacher Larry Singer

Alumni have gone on to prestigious graduate theatre programs and professional internships, and they have found employment in theatre, film, and television. Majors have also pursued graduate work and careers in fields as diverse as law, medicine, psychology, education, and social work. Guilford believes theatre training develops skills and thought-processes applicable to problem solving in all areas of life.

College Catalog

For more information about courses for the Theatre Studies Department, visit the online, searchable College Catalog. The Undergraduate Catalog also includes academic department and major information, academic regulations and resources, admission standards and requirements, and tuition, fees, and financial aid information.

Majors and Minors

"Guilford taught me well — by putting my fear aside and showing up to tackle the task at hand, regardless of all bumps in the road, everyone around me was willing to meet me where I was and help me learn and succeed."

Riva Fairhall '17
Theatre Studies major
  • Theatre Studies (A.B.) Major and Minor: Every Theatre Studies major fulfills 36 hours of core requirements and an additional 12 credit hours in one of four possible tracks, for a total of 48 credit hours in the major. The minor requires 20 hours and is available in two tracks (theatre arts and film and video).
  • Generalist Track: The generalist track includes two intermediate theatre courses (eight semester hours) or the equivalent credits and one advanced theatre course or the equivalent credits (four semester hours) in addition to the core requirements.
  • Design/Tech Track: The design track includes two intermediate courses and one advanced course in set, costume, or lighting design in addition to the core requirements.
  • History/Literature Track: The history/literature track includes two intermediate courses and one advanced course in literary analysis, play analysis, playwriting or dramatic literature in addition to the core requirements.
  • Performance Track: The performance track includes two intermediate courses and one advanced course in acting, directing or other area of performance in addition to the core requirements.

Theatre Studies Department News and Events

Staying in Focus
Staying in Focus

Assistant Professor of Theatre Studies Chad Phillips has been teaching Documentary Film Production for nearly 15 years, but his spring 2020 course was an entirely new experience.

Audition Workshop: COVID Edition
Audition Workshop: COVID Edition

Theatre Studies major Gerardo Martiarena ’22 shares how the pandemic helped him rediscover his theatrical passions through his three-week Audition Workshop course.

Lights, Physics, Action!
Lights, Physics, Action!

Professor of Physics Don Smith and Technical Director Brian Coleman team up to teach students the connections between art and science in the “Physics of Theater Lighting.”

Framing Her Future
Framing Her Future

From her first-year seminar to producing videos for Quaker Speaker, Rebecca Hamilton-Levi ’18 is building her future as a filmmaker with a little help from the Guilford community.

Making a Scene
Making a Scene

Despite the pandemic, Professor of Theatre Studies Robin Vest created a safe, hands-on, collaborative environment for students during her three-week scene painting course.

Turning the Page
Turning the Page

From transfer student to graduate school, McKinley Keener ’20 shares how Guilford College provided the education she was looking for and helped her reach her dreams.

Born to Shine
Born to Shine

Drawn to all things theatrical from an early age, transfer student Sarah Elston ’20 matured into a well-rounded thespian at Guilford College.

Designing a Career
Designing a Career

Max Keith Shumate ’19 of Clayton, N.C., sought a close and accepting community for his college experience. He found it at Guilford.

Versatile Thespian
Versatile Thespian

Theatre Studies major Frankie Clark ’20 found their niche as a sound board operator and other roles at an Ohio theatre. Find out how Guilford helped Frankie turn a passion for the stage into a career.

Talent Brews Artistry
Talent Brews Artistry

International student Tarilabo Koripamo ’17, a double major in Art and Theatre Studies, graduated with plans to explore her talents on the stage and in the studio. Read more about her journey.

My Guilford Story: Maira and Beth [VIDEO]
My Guilford Story: Maira and Beth [VIDEO]

Maira Vandiver '22 made a strong impression on Theatre Studies Professor Beth Ritson-Lavender from Day One.While Maira unexpectedly landed at Guilford College,…

Contact Us

Chad Phillips
Chad Phillips

Visiting Assistant Professor for Theatre Studies

Beth Ritson-Lavender
Beth Ritson-Lavender

Visiting Assistant Professor for Theatre Studies

John Wampler
John Wampler

Theatre Technical Director